Thursday, November 13, 2014

Happy Family

Dear Friends and Family,

Mr. mouse is home this morning and it feels so good having help getting P ready for school. I have a doctor's appointment I need to get ready for in two minutes, so Mr. mouse has kid prep and drop off. And, I have the luxury of running some errands before tackling my day. My day, you say? It's a great day!
  1. get ready for day
  2. make bed
  3. doctor's appointment
  4. return boots
  5. return birthday gift
  6. ***eat breakfast***
  7. invoicing
  8. go through American Express bill
  9. finish dating photos
  10. eat lunch
  11. pick up P
  12. enjoy the afternoon
Hope your day is as happy as mine. Tomorrow is a killer day so I may as well enjoy today.


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