Saturday, November 29, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

Dear Friends and Family,

After four days, I have my computer back. For that I am very thankful. We have one hard drive copy of our NAS in windows format. The number of files and the number of bytes matches perfectly. There are apparently a couple of additional empty hidden folders somewhere on Mr. mouse's desktop. I am okay with that. I recall that being a problem I attempted to resolve in the past to no avail. I got the files to match. I'm happy. I'm more than happy. I am ecstatic.

While I was offline, we had friends visit from Seattle. We went to the science museum. We ate lots. We played Cards Against Humanity. We played arcade games. And, P's rocket got a major update. It went so quickly, but it was so much fun being able to spend the holidays with friends. P loves playing with the kids. And, for us, there's nothing better than having people to share Thanksgiving with.

And, now, it's Saturday and it's just the three of us for the next two days. We'll spend a little time getting the house back in order. We'll finish backing up the hard drive. We need two copies before resetting the NAS. We'll reset the NAS. We'll get our Christmas tree. We'll order our Christmas cards. And, we'll see where November lands budget-wise.

Oh. What am I thankful for? Well, I'm thankful for a lot of things. But, if I were going to pick three things that I'm most thankful for, I'm thankful to be done with old work. I love not driving to old work. I love not dealing with the toxic people at old work. I love having time to spend with P in the afternoons and on the weekends. I love not having to squeeze in twenty hours doing "part time" work in the evenings. I love having time to tackle everything on our list so our life feels sane. I am thankful that I've worked through most of the emotions involved in my departure. I am thankful we've worked through our budget so that the transition to one paying job feels complete. #1: I am thankful to be done with old work. I am thankful for my new work. I am thankful for the time that I have now. I am thankful for the sanity I have now. I am thankful for the support everyone has provided for me in my transition.

I am thankful for P and her school and her friends and the community we have built in the last year. We're happy with the progress P is making academically. We're happy P has made friends. We love all of the parents we've met. It was a big transition from old school to new school. I'm thankful that it's gone well. There may be some point in the future where P's needs change. But, for now, it's going well. #2: I am thankful P likes school. I'm thankful P has good friends. I'm thankful we've made friends with several of the parents.

I am thankful for health and happiness. This includes Mr. mouse, P, my family, and my friends. #3: I am thankful that my loved ones are, in general, happy and healthy.


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