Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Almost Two Years in the Making

Dear Friends and Family,

Around this time 2013 I was beginning to surreptitiously begin my exit from old work. I had a list of people I wanted to say good-bye to. I had a list of things I wanted to finish. I had a list of things I needed to take home. My computer was scrubbed. And, I was beginning to count down the days to notifying daycare that we would be leaving. Our last day would be August 23, 2013. I was going to leave on a high note.

Instead I let money sway me. Against my better judgement I decided to stay part-time at old work for a ridiculous amount of money. There were a couple of things I learned while working part-time. While my hours went down by 65% and my pay went down by 30%, my work only went down by 10%. So, right off the bat I wasn't getting the better half of the deal. And, while I did have more flexibility to take off days P had off, and to be home for pick up, I still missed out on all of the field trips because they were on Thursdays when I was in the office. More proof that I wasn't getting the better half of the deal. Still, the money was good so I stayed. Until my position was eliminated and I left - this time on a much lower note. As far as everyone at old work was concerned I decided to leave, but inside I knew it was brought on by my position getting eliminated.

That was April 2014. Now, over a year after that cycle of events, I finally feel ready to put it all behind me. I had a dream where I was finally able to let go and put old work behind me. And, while I realize now that I should have left in 2013, I am also glad I did leave in 2014 and am not at old work now in 2015. P is a big kid now. Her little kid years are definitively behind her. I'm glad I got to spend the last year and two months enjoying the last of the little kid years.

Like P's birth, it took me some time to get over things I wished could have happened differently. I wish 2013 and 2014 could have happened differently. But, sitting here in 2015, I'm finally able to say it doesn't matter. I'm glad of where I got to and it doesn't matter how I got here. What's important is I am here.


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