Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Last Night I Prayed

Dear Friends and Family,

Mr. mouse fell asleep with P last night so I had the night to myself to finish up all of the things I didn't have a chance to do because P is on summer vacation now. I posted P's library challenge. I checked our credit reports, I ran payroll. I submitted the yearbook for publication (that was a big one). I rejiggered the calendar for the rest of the week. I checked my emails. I played Frozen Free Fall. Then, I changed and got ready for bed. I read a little. I turned out the light. I decided to pray.

There's so much I didn't know where to begin. I have a friend who recently lost her husband in a freak accident. She's decided to shoulder the burden alone. I prayed for her and her family. I have a friend whose child recently got approached by a creep. I prayed for her and her family. P recently told me that sometimes people look at her as if she's crazy and it makes her sad and sometimes people call her sensitive and it makes her sad. I prayed for P. Mr. mouse and I got into an argument last night about Disney. We were both unhappy about where it went. I prayed for us.

And, this morning I woke up to a brand new world. The sun is shining. My list is under control. Should be a good day!


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