Dear Friends and Family,
Why do weekends go so quickly?
I went out to see Mr. mouse on Friday night. We tried a new Italian restaurant. It was okay. Saturday, I went to get my haircut. And, we scurried back in time to meet Trixie for a baseball game. I had a ton of fun even if we lost.
Sunday, Mr. mouse and I cleaned the house top to bottom. I REALLY love the feeling of a totally clean house. And, in retrospect, it didn't take too long. Maybe, we'll just suck it up and do it each weekend until we find a cleaning service.
My friends are on vacation this week. I'm watching their fish, Caesar. He eats 6 pellets of food each morning. I fed him today. It's fun having him around, but I'm glad I don't have to worry about things like cleaning his bowl, changing his water, etc. I only have to feed him since they're not gone for long.
It's another scorcher today.
Monday, July 31, 2006
Friday, July 28, 2006
Self Activated Mouse
Dear Friends and Family,
Yesterday went by in a blur.
First, we had a large team meeting that consumed the morning. Second, we had a team lunch that consumed the middle of the day. Third, we had a department team building outing that was our afternoon. We went to play mini golf. I had a ton of fun even if it was really warm out.
In the large team meeting, they announced that we would be changing the work environment to one in which the focus is on the work that needs to get done. It introduces options like flexible work hours, tele-commuting, etc. I think it's great for the work environment and am really looking forward to when implementation starts.
Last night, I went to an estate planning dinner. It made me think a lot about what happens to my "stuff" once Mr. mouse and I are history. It also opened my eyes to how wrapped up people get in controlling their stuff once they're long gone. Part of me takes the who-cares-you're-already-dead approach. And, part of me takes the I-want-to-leave-it-specifically-to-specific-loved-ones approach. I'll talk it over with Mr. mouse and see what his thoughts are.
Yesterday went by in a blur.
First, we had a large team meeting that consumed the morning. Second, we had a team lunch that consumed the middle of the day. Third, we had a department team building outing that was our afternoon. We went to play mini golf. I had a ton of fun even if it was really warm out.
In the large team meeting, they announced that we would be changing the work environment to one in which the focus is on the work that needs to get done. It introduces options like flexible work hours, tele-commuting, etc. I think it's great for the work environment and am really looking forward to when implementation starts.
Last night, I went to an estate planning dinner. It made me think a lot about what happens to my "stuff" once Mr. mouse and I are history. It also opened my eyes to how wrapped up people get in controlling their stuff once they're long gone. Part of me takes the who-cares-you're-already-dead approach. And, part of me takes the I-want-to-leave-it-specifically-to-specific-loved-ones approach. I'll talk it over with Mr. mouse and see what his thoughts are.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Mr. mouse: Bargain Hunter at Large
Dear Friends and Family,
Mr. mouse has been on a bender of sorts for the last month or so since we got the deck furniture. He's been going to Target and IKEA every night looking at their clearance stuff. Multiple Targets and IKEA multiple nights a week if you get my drift.
Well, this past week, he thought to check eBay, and now he's on an auction bender. I can't wait until it's all done. I'm a little afraid of how much stuff we'll own.
Mr. mouse has been on a bender of sorts for the last month or so since we got the deck furniture. He's been going to Target and IKEA every night looking at their clearance stuff. Multiple Targets and IKEA multiple nights a week if you get my drift.
Well, this past week, he thought to check eBay, and now he's on an auction bender. I can't wait until it's all done. I'm a little afraid of how much stuff we'll own.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
No Pain No Gain
Dear Friends and Family,
Not a lot new today.
I still have the very last remnants of the cold, but feel a ton better. It rained Monday night briefly and was raining last night when I went to sleep. I am very sore from working out yesterday morning with my trainer. I didn't realize taking a week off could make such a difference.
That's about it.
Not a lot new today.
I still have the very last remnants of the cold, but feel a ton better. It rained Monday night briefly and was raining last night when I went to sleep. I am very sore from working out yesterday morning with my trainer. I didn't realize taking a week off could make such a difference.
That's about it.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Rooibos Tea (aka Red Tea)
Dear Friends and Family,
Anyone who's known me for any length of time probably knows me as a coffee drinker. I had 2-3 cups a day since I was 12. What changed? A couple of years ago, I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, which is not as uncommon as it sounds. It's like your body is on an adrenaline rush and everything is going at 120%. The doc told me to lay off the caffeine since it was aggravating the symptoms. So, I made the switch from coffee to non-caffeinated tea.
We "discovered" rooibos tea during our trip to South Africa. Obviously, the tea's been around forever, we just didn't know about it. It's also known as red tea and African tea, and it's not actually a tea at all. It's an herb that's brewed into a tea. The tea brews a dark red and tastes similar to regular tea. I like it because it's naturally decaffeinated, no caffeine to begin with, not chemically decaffeinated. We brought home a huge boxful for under $2, but it's long gone. Now, I buy what's available locally.
I have a mugful every morning instead of my morning coffee.

We "discovered" rooibos tea during our trip to South Africa. Obviously, the tea's been around forever, we just didn't know about it. It's also known as red tea and African tea, and it's not actually a tea at all. It's an herb that's brewed into a tea. The tea brews a dark red and tastes similar to regular tea. I like it because it's naturally decaffeinated, no caffeine to begin with, not chemically decaffeinated. We brought home a huge boxful for under $2, but it's long gone. Now, I buy what's available locally.
I have a mugful every morning instead of my morning coffee.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Weekend Update
Dear Friends and Family,
Not a lot to report today since I had a chance to get online Saturday and Sunday. I weighed in this morning and feel like I've finally broken through the plateau.
I need to go finish some paperwork for the realtor. Then need to eat breakfast and pack lunch. And, if time allows, yoga.
Not a lot to report today since I had a chance to get online Saturday and Sunday. I weighed in this morning and feel like I've finally broken through the plateau.
I need to go finish some paperwork for the realtor. Then need to eat breakfast and pack lunch. And, if time allows, yoga.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Never Ending Honey Dew List
Dear Friends and Family,
We continue to plug away at the house. I can tell Mr. mouse's frustration is mounting with the never ending list of "stuff" that comes with maintaining a house on the market. His primary frustration today is with the outside stuff. The mowing, the watering, the weeding, the carting of lumber from prior work, the list that never ends.
He's got on his mind that we need a carpet stretcher. Other than that, I think our fix work is done. My big to do this week is to find cleaning service. Then, inside maintenance is taken care of and outside maintenance is all that is left. I can also try cleaning this week - and see if that'll work. Last week was busy with travel and being sick, but this week should be manageable. I'm feeling much better now.
What's our rain tally at? We're at 0.4 inches or 10% of average precipitation for the month. Yeah! How much more fun could we ask for?
I've got some work to do from Friday, so I'm going to go do that while Mr. mouse toils away on the lawn. I think when I offer to help, it just gets him more wound up.
Hope you're all enjoying the weekend more than we are.
We continue to plug away at the house. I can tell Mr. mouse's frustration is mounting with the never ending list of "stuff" that comes with maintaining a house on the market. His primary frustration today is with the outside stuff. The mowing, the watering, the weeding, the carting of lumber from prior work, the list that never ends.
He's got on his mind that we need a carpet stretcher. Other than that, I think our fix work is done. My big to do this week is to find cleaning service. Then, inside maintenance is taken care of and outside maintenance is all that is left. I can also try cleaning this week - and see if that'll work. Last week was busy with travel and being sick, but this week should be manageable. I'm feeling much better now.
What's our rain tally at? We're at 0.4 inches or 10% of average precipitation for the month. Yeah! How much more fun could we ask for?
I've got some work to do from Friday, so I'm going to go do that while Mr. mouse toils away on the lawn. I think when I offer to help, it just gets him more wound up.
Hope you're all enjoying the weekend more than we are.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Mr. mouse Saves the Day
Dear Friends and Family,
Mr. mouse took one look at the A/C system last night and diagnosed it to be dead batteries in the thermostat. He replaced them and voila, it all works again.
He's so smart, it sometimes amazes even me.
Mr. mouse took one look at the A/C system last night and diagnosed it to be dead batteries in the thermostat. He replaced them and voila, it all works again.
He's so smart, it sometimes amazes even me.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Mouse Girlfriends
Dear Friends and Family,
I went out last night with a group of girlfriends from my first job here. It was the funniest night, we ran into two men while we were out - my current boss (their former boss) whom all of us detest and a former colleague we all love. It felt like the night was meant to be.
What I love about the group is the open conversation we can have. We've all had ups and downs and can talk about it with each other. It's tough for me talk about my failures. But, with this group, I can. They're so supportive and non-judgmental. That's why every girl needs her girlfriends.
I'm not sure what future generations will say about the strong women of today, the ones who make life work for them on their own terms. I hope we can be a positive role model for younger women to challenge the stereotypes and truly pursue happiness on their own grounds not expectations set on them by society at large. I hope they're even stronger in their character, goals and dreams than we are. I think that's why I love mentoring, to be able to connect with and support people. Should I become a high school guidance counselor? How cool would that be?
Back to reality. Off to get ready for work.
I went out last night with a group of girlfriends from my first job here. It was the funniest night, we ran into two men while we were out - my current boss (their former boss) whom all of us detest and a former colleague we all love. It felt like the night was meant to be.
What I love about the group is the open conversation we can have. We've all had ups and downs and can talk about it with each other. It's tough for me talk about my failures. But, with this group, I can. They're so supportive and non-judgmental. That's why every girl needs her girlfriends.
I'm not sure what future generations will say about the strong women of today, the ones who make life work for them on their own terms. I hope we can be a positive role model for younger women to challenge the stereotypes and truly pursue happiness on their own grounds not expectations set on them by society at large. I hope they're even stronger in their character, goals and dreams than we are. I think that's why I love mentoring, to be able to connect with and support people. Should I become a high school guidance counselor? How cool would that be?
Back to reality. Off to get ready for work.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Air Cooled Mouse
Dear Friends and Family,
Still sick. Debating calling in sick. Have lunch with a close friend otherwise I would definitely call in sick.
I got home around 10 o'clock last night. And, it was suspiciously warm in the house. Looks like the A/C is on the fritz. Mr. mouse will need to look at it this weekend. Thank goodness temperatures have dropped from a couple of days ago and we've got lots of windows in all of the rooms.
Fort Lauderdale was good. Not to sound spoiled, but I've been to better beaches. It was still good nonetheless. A couple of things threw me for a loop - a large freight tanker anchored in the waters and small perch-like fish swimming in the shallow waters. I'll be going back in August for another quick trip. I'm looking forward to it.
Still sick. Debating calling in sick. Have lunch with a close friend otherwise I would definitely call in sick.
I got home around 10 o'clock last night. And, it was suspiciously warm in the house. Looks like the A/C is on the fritz. Mr. mouse will need to look at it this weekend. Thank goodness temperatures have dropped from a couple of days ago and we've got lots of windows in all of the rooms.
Fort Lauderdale was good. Not to sound spoiled, but I've been to better beaches. It was still good nonetheless. A couple of things threw me for a loop - a large freight tanker anchored in the waters and small perch-like fish swimming in the shallow waters. I'll be going back in August for another quick trip. I'm looking forward to it.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Mouse Goes to the Beach
Dear Friends and Family,
Yesterday was a long day, but hopefully, it was worth it. I am in Fort Lauderdale for a business meeting. It doesn't start until 11 o'clock, so a couple of colleagues and I hope to hit the beach this morning for a couple of hours of relaxation.
I'm still feeling pretty sick, but better than yesterday morning. Definitely have a cold which made traveling a bear. Nothing a dip in the Atlantic can't cure.
I love the beach.
Yesterday was a long day, but hopefully, it was worth it. I am in Fort Lauderdale for a business meeting. It doesn't start until 11 o'clock, so a couple of colleagues and I hope to hit the beach this morning for a couple of hours of relaxation.
I'm still feeling pretty sick, but better than yesterday morning. Definitely have a cold which made traveling a bear. Nothing a dip in the Atlantic can't cure.
I love the beach.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Ode to Almonds
Dear Friends and Family,

What makes almonds so special? Well, the list of "stuff" they're good for almost doesn't seem possible. The antioxidants work on the cancer front. The LDLs work on the cholesterol front and the heart health battle. And, to top it all off, they help with a feeling of fullness, making them a great snack on the weight loss front.
Why the bad rap? Well, they're really nutrient rich, so it's easy to over indulge. Also, until recently, we didn't have a good understanding of fats, so all fats were bad. Now, we're learning some fats are VERY bad and some are actually okay.
What's a good amount? If you have a kitchen scale, 30 grams is a single serving of nuts which is about 24 almonds. I usually have about 15 grams a day since that's already 2 Weight Watchers points. I figure frequency will work in my favor since I have a handful daily.
Want to read more?

What makes almonds so special? Well, the list of "stuff" they're good for almost doesn't seem possible. The antioxidants work on the cancer front. The LDLs work on the cholesterol front and the heart health battle. And, to top it all off, they help with a feeling of fullness, making them a great snack on the weight loss front.
Why the bad rap? Well, they're really nutrient rich, so it's easy to over indulge. Also, until recently, we didn't have a good understanding of fats, so all fats were bad. Now, we're learning some fats are VERY bad and some are actually okay.
What's a good amount? If you have a kitchen scale, 30 grams is a single serving of nuts which is about 24 almonds. I usually have about 15 grams a day since that's already 2 Weight Watchers points. I figure frequency will work in my favor since I have a handful daily.
Want to read more?
- Are Nuts Good For You?
- Food Tips for the Young at Heart
- Almonds Lower Cholesterol
- Almonds May Help in Weight Loss
Monday, July 17, 2006
Weekend Update
Dear Friends and Family,
We had a busy Saturday followed by a quiet Sunday.
I flew out to see Mr. mouse Friday night. My flight was delayed, so I didn't get in until 10 o'clock. We had two friends staying over Friday night, so we headed out for pizza together. Got back and fell asleep. Saturday, those two friends went out to a baseball game, and we met up with another friend who was also visiting this weekend. We spent the day downtown window shopping and sitting by the lake front. Dropped him off. And, went home to shower. Dinner - went out for Turkish with a THIRD set of friends visiting for the weekend. Anyone see a trend here? Dinner was fabulous. I love trying new food. Several of the dished reminded me of Greek cuisine and Middle Eastern cuisine, but, I guess that's to be expected, considering Turkey's geographical positioning.
Sunday morning we flew back to the mouse house. I got sick and slept through the ENTIRE day, and Mr. mouse did a bunch of errands. I still have the sniffles and a very sore throat. I usually get sick once a month for no particular reason. Maybe this is that. Or, maybe this is the last of my evil karma leaving. Or, maybe it's a plain ole cold.
Hope your week is starting off with a bigger bang than mine.
We had a busy Saturday followed by a quiet Sunday.
I flew out to see Mr. mouse Friday night. My flight was delayed, so I didn't get in until 10 o'clock. We had two friends staying over Friday night, so we headed out for pizza together. Got back and fell asleep. Saturday, those two friends went out to a baseball game, and we met up with another friend who was also visiting this weekend. We spent the day downtown window shopping and sitting by the lake front. Dropped him off. And, went home to shower. Dinner - went out for Turkish with a THIRD set of friends visiting for the weekend. Anyone see a trend here? Dinner was fabulous. I love trying new food. Several of the dished reminded me of Greek cuisine and Middle Eastern cuisine, but, I guess that's to be expected, considering Turkey's geographical positioning.
Sunday morning we flew back to the mouse house. I got sick and slept through the ENTIRE day, and Mr. mouse did a bunch of errands. I still have the sniffles and a very sore throat. I usually get sick once a month for no particular reason. Maybe this is that. Or, maybe this is the last of my evil karma leaving. Or, maybe it's a plain ole cold.
Hope your week is starting off with a bigger bang than mine.
Friday, July 14, 2006
Thanksgiving in July
Dear Friends and Family,
As I was driving to work yesterday, I realized, for all that I gripe, there's a lot that I am grateful for. Even if it's not Thanksgiving for 4 more months, today, I'd like to take a moment and be thankful for all that has been given to me.
(in no particular order)
I am thankful for a loving spouse who understands me and supports me in all that I try; a roof over my head that shelters me; food that sustains me; parents who tried to raise me to the best of their abilities; friends who make me laugh so hard that I cry; neighbors who are there for me night and day when I need someone close by; jobs that have supported me financially and provided for all of my physical needs; zen that helps me realize the difference between wants and needs; a brain with which to make educated choices and to see the impact my actions have on others; a conscience to care about others; the health of all those close to me; my continuing weight loss and its long term impact on my own health; my grandparents who lived through a war and still raised a family; my sister who tries her hardest to be a good person; and a mentor who told me that all the little things in life are what makes life each day an adventure worth living.
As I was driving to work yesterday, I realized, for all that I gripe, there's a lot that I am grateful for. Even if it's not Thanksgiving for 4 more months, today, I'd like to take a moment and be thankful for all that has been given to me.
(in no particular order)
I am thankful for a loving spouse who understands me and supports me in all that I try; a roof over my head that shelters me; food that sustains me; parents who tried to raise me to the best of their abilities; friends who make me laugh so hard that I cry; neighbors who are there for me night and day when I need someone close by; jobs that have supported me financially and provided for all of my physical needs; zen that helps me realize the difference between wants and needs; a brain with which to make educated choices and to see the impact my actions have on others; a conscience to care about others; the health of all those close to me; my continuing weight loss and its long term impact on my own health; my grandparents who lived through a war and still raised a family; my sister who tries her hardest to be a good person; and a mentor who told me that all the little things in life are what makes life each day an adventure worth living.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Honesty is the Best Policy
Dear Friends and Family,
Not a whole lot to report from yesterday. Work was really slow - it has been for the whole month of July...
So, why today's title?

I bought a kitchen scale a couple of years ago - thinking it would help me with portion control. But, I never really got into the habit of using it. Well, with Weight Watchers, I've become a convert. It keeps me honest.
Plus, it's a lot easier to use than measuring cups. Do you really want to be cleaning measuring cups three times or more daily? For the scale, I put my bowl on it and tare the scale. That's a technical term for setting it to zero. Which is as simple as pressing the button. Then I measure out item #1, say rice. I re-tare the scale and measure out item #2, say vegetables. Tare one more time and measure out item #3, meat. And, I've got a perfectly balanced meal and no extra clean up. It really helped train my eye - so, now, when I'm out, I can guesstimate portions.
The hardest part in all of this is knowing what appropriate portion sizes are. I found them on the FDA website once and abbreviated them for my personal use.
Not a whole lot to report from yesterday. Work was really slow - it has been for the whole month of July...
So, why today's title?

I bought a kitchen scale a couple of years ago - thinking it would help me with portion control. But, I never really got into the habit of using it. Well, with Weight Watchers, I've become a convert. It keeps me honest.
Plus, it's a lot easier to use than measuring cups. Do you really want to be cleaning measuring cups three times or more daily? For the scale, I put my bowl on it and tare the scale. That's a technical term for setting it to zero. Which is as simple as pressing the button. Then I measure out item #1, say rice. I re-tare the scale and measure out item #2, say vegetables. Tare one more time and measure out item #3, meat. And, I've got a perfectly balanced meal and no extra clean up. It really helped train my eye - so, now, when I'm out, I can guesstimate portions.
The hardest part in all of this is knowing what appropriate portion sizes are. I found them on the FDA website once and abbreviated them for my personal use.
- dairy (milk: 240 ml/8 fl oz, yogurt: 225 g, cheese: 30 g)
- protein (fish/meat: 55 g/2 oz, egg: 50 g, tofu: 85 g, nuts: 30 g/1 oz)
- fruits (dried fruits: 40 g, watermelon: 280 g, all other fruits: 140 g/5 oz)
- vegetables (fresh or frozen: 85 g/3 oz)
- starch (bread: 50 g, rice/pasta: 140 g/5 oz)
- potatoes (french fries/hash browns: 70 g, mashed: 140 g, baked: 110 g)
- oils: 15 ml/1 tbs
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Life in General
Dear Friends and Family,
I've got four pieces to cover today.
The Good
I went out with our agent yesterday evening to look at some comparable houses in our neighborhood. Mr. mouse is calling this morning to settle on an asking price.
I weighed in yesterday morning and hit another major milestone. 25 lbs. Yeah! Here's to breaking through the plateau. And, here's to cereal, water, and yoga.
The Bad
Average month-to-date precipitation for our neighborhood is 4.04 inches. We've had 0.01 inches so far. Will it ever rain?!?! Or am I doomed to a summer of watering flowers, shrubs, and grass? If anyone knows any esoteric rituals that produce rain, please let me know. I'll try anything at this point.
The Ugly
I had a series of VERY bad dreams last night. They were bad enough to wake me from my sleep and I almost ended up staying up the rest of the night. Mr. mouse talked me back to sleep. I'm hoping it was a lot of negative energy being purged. Why am I so stressed? I'm headed to the gym this morning - hopefully, it'll help me unwind.
I've got four pieces to cover today.
The Good
I went out with our agent yesterday evening to look at some comparable houses in our neighborhood. Mr. mouse is calling this morning to settle on an asking price.
I weighed in yesterday morning and hit another major milestone. 25 lbs. Yeah! Here's to breaking through the plateau. And, here's to cereal, water, and yoga.
The Bad
Average month-to-date precipitation for our neighborhood is 4.04 inches. We've had 0.01 inches so far. Will it ever rain?!?! Or am I doomed to a summer of watering flowers, shrubs, and grass? If anyone knows any esoteric rituals that produce rain, please let me know. I'll try anything at this point.
The Ugly
I had a series of VERY bad dreams last night. They were bad enough to wake me from my sleep and I almost ended up staying up the rest of the night. Mr. mouse talked me back to sleep. I'm hoping it was a lot of negative energy being purged. Why am I so stressed? I'm headed to the gym this morning - hopefully, it'll help me unwind.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Kashi GOLEAN Go Lean Original Waffles
Dear Friends and Family,

Although I'll be eating cereal for the foreseeable future, these waffles are a great breakfast treat. Two of them toasted (3 points) with a tablespoon of maple syrup (1 point) makes a delicious breakfast for those days you need something different. A close friend turned me onto them, and now they're a staple in my freezer.
The concert/dinner last night was fabulous. Seal played a 10 song set:

Although I'll be eating cereal for the foreseeable future, these waffles are a great breakfast treat. Two of them toasted (3 points) with a tablespoon of maple syrup (1 point) makes a delicious breakfast for those days you need something different. A close friend turned me onto them, and now they're a staple in my freezer.
The concert/dinner last night was fabulous. Seal played a 10 song set:
- The Beginning
- Killer
- Just Like You Said
- Waiting for You
- Let Me Sleep Beside You
- Love's Divine
- Bring It On
- Crazy
- Kiss From A Rose
- Future Love Paradise
Monday, July 10, 2006
Mouse Promise
Dear Friends and Family,
In case you haven't noticed, I've been in a funk lately.
This morning I did my yoga and went back to the basics - cereal and milk for breakfast. My funk has also translated itself into a 6 week weight loss plateau. Some of it must be stress related. Some of it is the weekend traveling.
So, this week, I'm going to try and be especially good about the yoga, cereal and daily water intake. Hopefully, you'll notice a more upbeat note in my posts.
In case you haven't noticed, I've been in a funk lately.
This morning I did my yoga and went back to the basics - cereal and milk for breakfast. My funk has also translated itself into a 6 week weight loss plateau. Some of it must be stress related. Some of it is the weekend traveling.
So, this week, I'm going to try and be especially good about the yoga, cereal and daily water intake. Hopefully, you'll notice a more upbeat note in my posts.
House Week
Dear Friends and Family,
Today, our agent is coming over to take pictures of the mouse house. How exciting!
I'm headed out tonight to a charity dinner. How highfalutin does that sound?
It's dinner and a concert. It's free. How can I say no?
Gotta go water the shrubs and flowers before work.
Today, our agent is coming over to take pictures of the mouse house. How exciting!
I'm headed out tonight to a charity dinner. How highfalutin does that sound?
It's dinner and a concert. It's free. How can I say no?
Gotta go water the shrubs and flowers before work.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Congratulations on a Job Well Done
Dear Friends and Family,
I've been following the adventures of Kyle MacDonald,, in his quest to trade a single red paper clip for a house. In the span of a year, he's accomplished just that. Hats off to him!
Things that make you go hmm...
I've been following the adventures of Kyle MacDonald,, in his quest to trade a single red paper clip for a house. In the span of a year, he's accomplished just that. Hats off to him!
Things that make you go hmm...
Critter Update
Dear Friends and Family,
Mr. mouse is getting ready to crawl up into the attic again. I haven't heard anything recently, so we've agreed to take down the trap and chalk it up to over sensitive ears. I hope. Watch, Murphy's Law guarantees we find something now... He went to get his sneakers...
Drum roll, please.
And, the verdict is: trap empty, no squirrel.
Mr. mouse is getting ready to crawl up into the attic again. I haven't heard anything recently, so we've agreed to take down the trap and chalk it up to over sensitive ears. I hope. Watch, Murphy's Law guarantees we find something now... He went to get his sneakers...
Drum roll, please.
And, the verdict is: trap empty, no squirrel.
Austin Trip Recap
Dear Friends and Family,
We're back. The trip to Austin was a lot of fun. Flights on Friday were non-eventful. We landed in Austin close to midnight and drove over to our hotel. We slept in and got complimentary room service breakfast the next morning. Nice!
We went to Central Market, Mr. mouse's favorite supermarket to window shop. We ended up picking up two heirloom cantaloupes, a bottle of wildflower honey and a bottle of Sabrett's Onions in Sauce. Huh? Sabrett's onions are the onions used in New York City push carts on hot dogs and it's a taste I grew up with. I can't wait to try them. Mr. mouse is going to hunt down some new hot dogs, as well, based on a NY Times article I read. I'll let you know what I learn.
The ceremony itself was good. I had never been to an Eagle Scout Court of Honor before. Getting to catch up with everyone afterwards was fabulous! I can't wait until the mouse house is a thing of the past. We'll have weekends free to visit all of our friends instead of the never ending list of stuff that needs to be done.
They catered in Salt Lick for dinner. I was good with portion control and resisted the ribs and sausage. The brisket and chicken were so yummy. I forgot how much I love the stuff. We also picked up fajitas and tamales from Pappasito's to bring back home with us.
Mr. mouse wanted to visit Waterloo Records before heading to the hotel. He also had a craving for Amy's Ice Cream. At Waterloo, we discovered GIANT Uglydolls. How could we resist? We got Babo, Wage and Tray. We're such geeks.
This morning's flight was uneventful. We've got an afternoon of chores ahead of us, but that's okay. Taking yesterday off was definitely worth it. We're so proud of our neighbor. He's grown from a little kid into a wonderful young man. I was so happy for him yesterday. It was also the first chance he had to catch up with Mr. mouse since we had moved last July.
Hope your weekend was as much fun as ours.
We're back. The trip to Austin was a lot of fun. Flights on Friday were non-eventful. We landed in Austin close to midnight and drove over to our hotel. We slept in and got complimentary room service breakfast the next morning. Nice!
We went to Central Market, Mr. mouse's favorite supermarket to window shop. We ended up picking up two heirloom cantaloupes, a bottle of wildflower honey and a bottle of Sabrett's Onions in Sauce. Huh? Sabrett's onions are the onions used in New York City push carts on hot dogs and it's a taste I grew up with. I can't wait to try them. Mr. mouse is going to hunt down some new hot dogs, as well, based on a NY Times article I read. I'll let you know what I learn.
The ceremony itself was good. I had never been to an Eagle Scout Court of Honor before. Getting to catch up with everyone afterwards was fabulous! I can't wait until the mouse house is a thing of the past. We'll have weekends free to visit all of our friends instead of the never ending list of stuff that needs to be done.
They catered in Salt Lick for dinner. I was good with portion control and resisted the ribs and sausage. The brisket and chicken were so yummy. I forgot how much I love the stuff. We also picked up fajitas and tamales from Pappasito's to bring back home with us.
Mr. mouse wanted to visit Waterloo Records before heading to the hotel. He also had a craving for Amy's Ice Cream. At Waterloo, we discovered GIANT Uglydolls. How could we resist? We got Babo, Wage and Tray. We're such geeks.
This morning's flight was uneventful. We've got an afternoon of chores ahead of us, but that's okay. Taking yesterday off was definitely worth it. We're so proud of our neighbor. He's grown from a little kid into a wonderful young man. I was so happy for him yesterday. It was also the first chance he had to catch up with Mr. mouse since we had moved last July.
Hope your weekend was as much fun as ours.
Friday, July 07, 2006
Heaven #1, Heaven #2, Heaven #3
Dear Friends and Family,
Last night Trixie and I went over to a friend's house for dinner. We went out for dinner, a delicious Neapolitan pizza with salad - heaven #1. And, then walked back to his place to catch up. He's got raspberry bushes in the backyard and I went berrying for the first time. It was so much fun. The berries are SO good fresh off the bush, I confess to eating several while picking - heaven #2. Hmm... I wonder if we can grow them at the mouse pad... Built a toasty fire, and the three of us just vegged in front of it. I love fires... And, to top it all off, s'mores. They're surprisingly not too bad for you if you use good chocolate - heaven #3.
I left feeling great with a bag full of food - leftover pizza, raspberries and (don't ask) a container of yogurt for my breakfast this morning.
Don't ask how or why, but I got into a big ole fight with Mr. mouse on the way home. What is wrong with us?!?! This time over what to get our neighbor for his Eagle Scout Court of Honor gift. I guess I have a ton of baggage from growing up and he just hit the right chord. But, I don't think it's that simple. Definitely something to think about, because that makes four fights in the past week all over completely inconsequential topics. Next weekend, we have friends visiting at the mouse pad. Maybe, the weekend after, we should take a day to ourselves and try to talk through everything. Or, maybe I need to do some navel gazing. Sadly, I think this is more about my issues than anything Mr. mouse is contributing to. Mea culpa.
Tea, yogurt, and some of those fabulous berries from last night - then, I'm off to the gym with my workout buddy. See you Sunday.
Last night Trixie and I went over to a friend's house for dinner. We went out for dinner, a delicious Neapolitan pizza with salad - heaven #1. And, then walked back to his place to catch up. He's got raspberry bushes in the backyard and I went berrying for the first time. It was so much fun. The berries are SO good fresh off the bush, I confess to eating several while picking - heaven #2. Hmm... I wonder if we can grow them at the mouse pad... Built a toasty fire, and the three of us just vegged in front of it. I love fires... And, to top it all off, s'mores. They're surprisingly not too bad for you if you use good chocolate - heaven #3.
I left feeling great with a bag full of food - leftover pizza, raspberries and (don't ask) a container of yogurt for my breakfast this morning.
Don't ask how or why, but I got into a big ole fight with Mr. mouse on the way home. What is wrong with us?!?! This time over what to get our neighbor for his Eagle Scout Court of Honor gift. I guess I have a ton of baggage from growing up and he just hit the right chord. But, I don't think it's that simple. Definitely something to think about, because that makes four fights in the past week all over completely inconsequential topics. Next weekend, we have friends visiting at the mouse pad. Maybe, the weekend after, we should take a day to ourselves and try to talk through everything. Or, maybe I need to do some navel gazing. Sadly, I think this is more about my issues than anything Mr. mouse is contributing to. Mea culpa.
Tea, yogurt, and some of those fabulous berries from last night - then, I'm off to the gym with my workout buddy. See you Sunday.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Thursday Morning
Dear Friends and Family,
One of my friends came over last night and went up into the attic to check for squirrel. No sign of one. I'll have to keep close ear out for it.
I slept in this morning and feel much better than yesterday. I went over to my neighbors for dinner last night and it was good to get out of the house-only grind and talk with them. They made a fabulous dinner of grilled salmon and Irish salad. They have a bike for me, so I need to go buy a helmut so I can try out riding. I haven't ridden a bike since I was nine. It will be fun. I can't wait.
One of my neighbors passed away earlier this year. She was seventeen. Last night, I think I finally realized she was gone and not coming back. I miss her. When we talk about her, I see a lot of me, when I was a teenager, in her. I wish she was here for me to tell her that.
One of my friends came over last night and went up into the attic to check for squirrel. No sign of one. I'll have to keep close ear out for it.
I slept in this morning and feel much better than yesterday. I went over to my neighbors for dinner last night and it was good to get out of the house-only grind and talk with them. They made a fabulous dinner of grilled salmon and Irish salad. They have a bike for me, so I need to go buy a helmut so I can try out riding. I haven't ridden a bike since I was nine. It will be fun. I can't wait.
One of my neighbors passed away earlier this year. She was seventeen. Last night, I think I finally realized she was gone and not coming back. I miss her. When we talk about her, I see a lot of me, when I was a teenager, in her. I wish she was here for me to tell her that.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Dear Friends and Family,
We set up a trap for our attic resident and it's been all quiet up there. Until now. I hear something up there and it sounds like it's trying to get out.
Guess Mr. mouse needs to come over tonight to deal with it. Like I need any more stress in my life right now.
We set up a trap for our attic resident and it's been all quiet up there. Until now. I hear something up there and it sounds like it's trying to get out.
Guess Mr. mouse needs to come over tonight to deal with it. Like I need any more stress in my life right now.
Mea Culpa
Dear Friends and Family,
I'm debating deleting yesterday's post. Getting together with friends is an integral part of my life and I don't want anyone to think I don't enjoy it whole-heartedly because I do.
Bad mood instigator #1: I kinked up my back Monday night. #2: I stepped on the scale Tuesday morning and found out I gained 1.5 lbs over the weekend in Indy. #3: House anxiety, what if the realtors all agree, the house isn't worth what we think it is? #4: Mismatched to do lists with Mr. mouse (please see yesterday's rant). #5: We missed our neighborhood barbecue working on the house. Result: a huge blow-up late at night over where the toothbrushes go.
Today, I need to put all that behind me. And, put the lack of sleep behind me. Tonight we have the third agent coming over. Tomorrow night is my manicure and gift shopping for the weekend. Friday, we're headed to Austin for my neighbors Eagle Scout Court of Honor. I'm so proud of him.
Time for tea and work. Wish me luck getting back into the work routine.
I'm debating deleting yesterday's post. Getting together with friends is an integral part of my life and I don't want anyone to think I don't enjoy it whole-heartedly because I do.
Bad mood instigator #1: I kinked up my back Monday night. #2: I stepped on the scale Tuesday morning and found out I gained 1.5 lbs over the weekend in Indy. #3: House anxiety, what if the realtors all agree, the house isn't worth what we think it is? #4: Mismatched to do lists with Mr. mouse (please see yesterday's rant). #5: We missed our neighborhood barbecue working on the house. Result: a huge blow-up late at night over where the toothbrushes go.
Today, I need to put all that behind me. And, put the lack of sleep behind me. Tonight we have the third agent coming over. Tomorrow night is my manicure and gift shopping for the weekend. Friday, we're headed to Austin for my neighbors Eagle Scout Court of Honor. I'm so proud of him.
Time for tea and work. Wish me luck getting back into the work routine.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Trader Joe's Fruit Floes, Strawberry
Dear Friends and Family,
House update: I'm in clean up mode, Mr. mouse is in sanding down the bathroom mode. My honeydew list for him: weed, mow, water. His agenda: new Venetian plaster and glaze for the hall bathroom. It's enough to make a girl drink! It is what it is. You take the good with the bad. I'll clean tomorrow on my own. I am seriously considering outsourcing cleaning.
Realtor update: Agent #2, Pete, came over today to look at the house. I had a much better experience. He was within $5K of our initial estimate. Much better. Even with the 6% fee, it's still a better deal than Agent #1. Tomorrow, we get our third estimate and make a decision from there.

(Better picture coming soon to a blog near you, if I find the time.) Summer time eating is like navigating a mine field. Once you get past the hamburgers, hot dogs, brats; you hit the potato salad, deviled eggs, chips and dip. If you make it past all those while negotiating beer, wine and cocktails, there's dessert that some well-meaning guest always brings... ice cream, cake, pie, brownies... the list goes on... Well, Trader Joe's has an alternative that we always bring to summer get togethers. The Fruit Floes are fruit flavored ices. The strawberry ones are two points a bar, making it possible to enjoy a sweet treat with friends and family without busting the "food point bank."
House update: I'm in clean up mode, Mr. mouse is in sanding down the bathroom mode. My honeydew list for him: weed, mow, water. His agenda: new Venetian plaster and glaze for the hall bathroom. It's enough to make a girl drink! It is what it is. You take the good with the bad. I'll clean tomorrow on my own. I am seriously considering outsourcing cleaning.
Realtor update: Agent #2, Pete, came over today to look at the house. I had a much better experience. He was within $5K of our initial estimate. Much better. Even with the 6% fee, it's still a better deal than Agent #1. Tomorrow, we get our third estimate and make a decision from there.

(Better picture coming soon to a blog near you, if I find the time.) Summer time eating is like navigating a mine field. Once you get past the hamburgers, hot dogs, brats; you hit the potato salad, deviled eggs, chips and dip. If you make it past all those while negotiating beer, wine and cocktails, there's dessert that some well-meaning guest always brings... ice cream, cake, pie, brownies... the list goes on... Well, Trader Joe's has an alternative that we always bring to summer get togethers. The Fruit Floes are fruit flavored ices. The strawberry ones are two points a bar, making it possible to enjoy a sweet treat with friends and family without busting the "food point bank."
Monday, July 03, 2006
Indianapolis Weekend Recap
Dear Friends and Family,
We're back home after a quick trip to Indianapolis.
We spent Saturday morning assembling the deck furniture and got into Indianapolis Saturday evening. My sister cooked a fabulous dinner - pork tenderloin, potatoes and broccoli. I was in "hungry" mode so I had a second dinner afterwards. Pork tenderloin sandwich, anyone?
Sunday morning, we headed out to the race. It was a blistering hot day, 91° and no breeze. The first corner is always exciting and I had my eyes glued to the first four cars as they battled it out for the lead. So I missed the seven car pile-up that happened right in front of our seats. My favorite driver, Kimi Raikkonen, was involved in the tangle and was out for the rest of the race. The rest of the race was predictable, and my second favorite driver, Michael Schumacher, won.
We took my sister out for dinner Sunday night to celebrate her birthday. Mr. mouse went back Sunday night after dinner to go to work today. I stayed over to catch up with my sister and boy am I glad I did...
My sister dropped me off at the airport this morning. I went through security and walked to my gate. Nothing out of the norm so far. They call for standbys; I get my seat assignment. Then, they call boarding and I notice that there's a larger khaki contingent than normal. I'm like... hmm... I guess the prep look is really back... Wow! They're also all wearing the EXACT same shoes... Okay... something's not quite right with this picture... they must be here together... Yes! I spy a logo. It's the Toyota racing team. Score: 1, for mouse's deductive logic.
I end up seated next to one of the engineers and we spent the whole flight talking about his life on a F1 team. I had so much fun, it was unreal.
Mr. mouse and I were at the airport later to come back home and we saw them all again, headed to their gate to go back to Germany. We had a blast playing I spy the engineer - after all, they're pretty recognizable in khakis, white shirts and MATCHING shoes. Ah... the little things that make my day.

I also learned that, contrary to popular belief, not all F1 drivers have private jets. Some fly on commercial flights just like you and me. Now, how cool would it be to run into one of them on my next vacation? Sigh.
We're back home after a quick trip to Indianapolis.
We spent Saturday morning assembling the deck furniture and got into Indianapolis Saturday evening. My sister cooked a fabulous dinner - pork tenderloin, potatoes and broccoli. I was in "hungry" mode so I had a second dinner afterwards. Pork tenderloin sandwich, anyone?
Sunday morning, we headed out to the race. It was a blistering hot day, 91° and no breeze. The first corner is always exciting and I had my eyes glued to the first four cars as they battled it out for the lead. So I missed the seven car pile-up that happened right in front of our seats. My favorite driver, Kimi Raikkonen, was involved in the tangle and was out for the rest of the race. The rest of the race was predictable, and my second favorite driver, Michael Schumacher, won.
We took my sister out for dinner Sunday night to celebrate her birthday. Mr. mouse went back Sunday night after dinner to go to work today. I stayed over to catch up with my sister and boy am I glad I did...
My sister dropped me off at the airport this morning. I went through security and walked to my gate. Nothing out of the norm so far. They call for standbys; I get my seat assignment. Then, they call boarding and I notice that there's a larger khaki contingent than normal. I'm like... hmm... I guess the prep look is really back... Wow! They're also all wearing the EXACT same shoes... Okay... something's not quite right with this picture... they must be here together... Yes! I spy a logo. It's the Toyota racing team. Score: 1, for mouse's deductive logic.
I end up seated next to one of the engineers and we spent the whole flight talking about his life on a F1 team. I had so much fun, it was unreal.
Mr. mouse and I were at the airport later to come back home and we saw them all again, headed to their gate to go back to Germany. We had a blast playing I spy the engineer - after all, they're pretty recognizable in khakis, white shirts and MATCHING shoes. Ah... the little things that make my day.

I also learned that, contrary to popular belief, not all F1 drivers have private jets. Some fly on commercial flights just like you and me. Now, how cool would it be to run into one of them on my next vacation? Sigh.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Rockets Red Glare
Dear Friends and Family,
In a surprising repeat of my last weekend at the mouse pad, Mr. mouse picked me up at the airport. We went for Korean food for dinner (I've had a bizarre craving). And, then, we went to Target to pick up more deck furniture. It's on clearance as they get ready for back to school - 30% off. Got home, went upstairs, and relaxed.
People were setting off fireworks, and we were able to enjoy them from the rooftop. Nice!
Today we're off to Indianapolis. I'm not sure if I'll have a chance to post tomorrow or Monday. Otherwise, see you on Tuesday morning.
I saw the cutest little bag on the plane yesterday. Now, you and I know, I am not a bag kinda girl, but, it was so cute I asked the person where she got it. Well, I'm gonna have to venture into a Talbot's to see if they still carry the bag. Wish me luck. I'm also bidding on it on eBay, but that one's white and I like the natural colored one more.
In a surprising repeat of my last weekend at the mouse pad, Mr. mouse picked me up at the airport. We went for Korean food for dinner (I've had a bizarre craving). And, then, we went to Target to pick up more deck furniture. It's on clearance as they get ready for back to school - 30% off. Got home, went upstairs, and relaxed.
People were setting off fireworks, and we were able to enjoy them from the rooftop. Nice!
Today we're off to Indianapolis. I'm not sure if I'll have a chance to post tomorrow or Monday. Otherwise, see you on Tuesday morning.
I saw the cutest little bag on the plane yesterday. Now, you and I know, I am not a bag kinda girl, but, it was so cute I asked the person where she got it. Well, I'm gonna have to venture into a Talbot's to see if they still carry the bag. Wish me luck. I'm also bidding on it on eBay, but that one's white and I like the natural colored one more.
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