Dear Friends and Family,
Can it really almost be April? Wow.
The days fly by. The weeks fly by. The months fly by. And, before you know it, the years fly by. And, by default, life flies by. I wonder, will we wake up one day and wonder where all the time went? I have a sneaking suspicion we will.
Saturday, like all Saturdays we're in town, we slept in. But, wait, our weekend started Friday night. Friday night, we went out to pick up the mail and my glasses finally arrived. Yeah! Then, since traffic was bad, we stayed out in the burbs for dinner (Korean) and some impromptu grocery shopping at a Turkish supermarket. We picked up some bulgur, pilaf, pistachios, and Turkish Delight.
Now, back to Saturday. We slept in. And, I'm trying to remember what we did, but we had an amazingly slow start to the day. We headed out to look at window treatments since J.C. Penney was having their annual window treatment sale. And, we found a couple that we liked. But, even with the sale, I was having a little sticker shock. I just don't think they're worth that amount of money. We checked out a sample book to look at the options at home and headed downtown for Earth Hour.

The premise was to turn off all non-essential lights for one hour to remind people of how much extraneous energy we consume. We had turned off all of our electrical and gas usage (minus the two refrigerators, one cordless phone and answering machine, and one dusk to dawn light that doesn't have a switch) before heading out for the day, so we did our part. It was pretty cool.
It was midnight before we got pizza for dinner. So, we crashed pretty hard afterwards. Sunday, got up, got ready, headed out to our favorite bar for breakfast and an F1 race. It was from two weekends ago while we were in Florida, but they were closed last weekend for Easter. It all worked out okay. Then, home to look at more window treatments online. Ultimately, we decided to go the super cheap route and hang some valances from the original mouse house. Total outlay: $0. Cheaper than anything at J.C. Penney, Home Depot, Three Day Blinds, really than anywhere we looked. Hit Target from some odds and ends. Roasted a chicken with acorn squash for dinner. Watched the last couple of minutes of the Kansas/Davidson game. And, turned in for the night.
PS: My sister's wedding is set for Saturday, September 27th. Fun and games.
Can it really almost be April? Wow.
The days fly by. The weeks fly by. The months fly by. And, before you know it, the years fly by. And, by default, life flies by. I wonder, will we wake up one day and wonder where all the time went? I have a sneaking suspicion we will.
Saturday, like all Saturdays we're in town, we slept in. But, wait, our weekend started Friday night. Friday night, we went out to pick up the mail and my glasses finally arrived. Yeah! Then, since traffic was bad, we stayed out in the burbs for dinner (Korean) and some impromptu grocery shopping at a Turkish supermarket. We picked up some bulgur, pilaf, pistachios, and Turkish Delight.
Now, back to Saturday. We slept in. And, I'm trying to remember what we did, but we had an amazingly slow start to the day. We headed out to look at window treatments since J.C. Penney was having their annual window treatment sale. And, we found a couple that we liked. But, even with the sale, I was having a little sticker shock. I just don't think they're worth that amount of money. We checked out a sample book to look at the options at home and headed downtown for Earth Hour.

The premise was to turn off all non-essential lights for one hour to remind people of how much extraneous energy we consume. We had turned off all of our electrical and gas usage (minus the two refrigerators, one cordless phone and answering machine, and one dusk to dawn light that doesn't have a switch) before heading out for the day, so we did our part. It was pretty cool.
It was midnight before we got pizza for dinner. So, we crashed pretty hard afterwards. Sunday, got up, got ready, headed out to our favorite bar for breakfast and an F1 race. It was from two weekends ago while we were in Florida, but they were closed last weekend for Easter. It all worked out okay. Then, home to look at more window treatments online. Ultimately, we decided to go the super cheap route and hang some valances from the original mouse house. Total outlay: $0. Cheaper than anything at J.C. Penney, Home Depot, Three Day Blinds, really than anywhere we looked. Hit Target from some odds and ends. Roasted a chicken with acorn squash for dinner. Watched the last couple of minutes of the Kansas/Davidson game. And, turned in for the night.
PS: My sister's wedding is set for Saturday, September 27th. Fun and games.