Friday, June 13, 2008

Electricity Tracking: June 2008

Dear Friends and Family,

With my new found heat tolerance (another reason I suspect the thyroid ain't what she used to be), we were able to make it through May without turning on the A/C. And, I'm happy to report we hit a new low in our electrical usage: 336 kWh for the month. Yeah!

If you're wondering what drove the latest drop, my guess is it's the last of the benefit from unplugging the second fridge on Earth Day. Since we unplugged it in the middle of the billing cycle, the last bill had three weeks benefit and this was our first full month.

Seven more kWh to my next goal of 329 kWh, but I don't think we'll be playing that game until August or September. We've already had a couple of days now where I've caved and turned on the A/C. Still, we're getting to the point where wind power is becoming a real possibility.


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