Thursday, June 19, 2008

Food and Food Allergies

Dear Friends and Family,

I had another allergic reaction last night. They've been happening on and off, starting infrequently and becoming more frequent. And, it's gotten to a point where I may be willing (actually, am willing) to modify my behavior not to deal with the thudding, thumping heart afterwards. I have a sneaking suspicion, in the long run, putting my heart in overdrive on a regular basis is not good for it.

So what am I allergic to? I'm not sure what exactly it is, but it's one of the cheaper fat substitutes and/or artificial flavors, preservatives, emulsifiers, etc. found in processed foods. I've had the reaction to commercial baked cookies at work and last night to commercial ice cream toppings. At least, I think that's what caused my incident last night.

Honestly, it's not the worst thing to be allergic to. There are people who can't eat wheat or eggs or nuts or other real foods. My allergies should, theoretically, give me the will power to pass on a lot of suspicious foods out there. It is what it is.

On the food front, I have salad, washed and torn, from our crop share for lunch today. And, I have a couple of super cute strawberries for dessert after my salad. And, last night, we discovered, a tiny, three inch zucchini growing upstairs. I know it wasn't there the day before! I'm going to be watching daily for it to grow. Four to six inches is what more people recommend. I'll probably wait until six or seven, four seems like a waste to eat.


1 comment:

Trixie said...

oh goodness - that is rather scary. i will tell you that i picked up an organic, natural chocolate sauce for ice cream...nummy...and hopefully that wouldn't trigger the reaction? or i guess it's pretty darned easy to make your own toppings too. take care of you, mousie!
