Friday, June 06, 2008

Mouse Confidence

Dear Friends and Family,

We all know consumer confidence is in the toilet. And, it's beginning to impact my psyche. On the one hand, I know that our mortgage payment is low, we have money in the bank for an emergency, we own both of our cars, we both work and we aren't carrying any credit card debt.

On the flip side, gas prices are up, food prices are up, I could lose my job at the drop of a hat, Mr. mouse could lose his job just as easily. And, either of those two events would have a major impact on our day-to-day stuff (at least until the person is gainfully employed again) and have a major impact on our retirement savings (again, at least until the person is gainfully employed again).

And, as such, I've put myself back on a budget. And, we've made a conscious effort to eat out less and buy less entertainment (e.g. baseball tickets, concert tickets, hotel nights, rental car days, etc.) to assuage the monster roaring within.

If our plans continue to hold, we'll be in good shape in, call it, five to eight years. And, if we hit a bump in the road, we'll need to readjust. I just need to realize I'm not alone in feeling the confidence thing. In fact, statistics would argue I'm in very good company.

One day at a time. One day at a time.



Anonymous said...

Glad to hear your continuing your budget! I work in the insurance/finance industry and nothing frustrates me more when I have a client with unimaginable debt. Even talking with those I work with, I am amazed at people's philosophies on debt. Many really think that it's just part of life and that there is nothing you can do about it!! Keep up the good work- love reading your blog!!

Trixie said...

great idea, mouse. you are such a good thinker and inspiration. and having done my budget and cranked things way back myself, i hear you. the environment is shaky out there...
...but don't forget the concept of balance here too. no sense working your curly little mouse tail off if you can't enjoy the things that you love in life (concerts, races, etc). prudence: good. fear over things you can't control: not good. a fully living mouse is a happy one, that's what I always say. ;) xoxoxo