Friday, December 05, 2008

12.05.08 (Week 17, Day 7): Week 18

Dear Friends and Family,

The week flew by and I've almost forgotten at times that we're expecting. A couple of bouts of minor coughing and burping is all I've had to cope with. My "digestion" even seems to be returning to normal now that my eating has become more normal.

I told my boss this week. And, he couldn't have been more supportive. I've also told a couple of close friends and work. It feels good to be able to be me and not feel like I'm walking around with a secret. And, I've learned that much as I think I'm a walking baby bump, it must be mostly in my imagination.

I made the switch this week to maternity clothes just because. My size six pants were still working, but I felt like making the change so I did. I guess sometime this month I'll need them. As far as tops go, I'm still wearing my old mediums.

Your baby measures 5 to 5.6 inches from crown to rump and weighs about 5.25 ounces. The rapid growth spurt is tapering off, but reflexes are kicking in. It can yawn, stretch and make facial expressions, even frown. Taste buds are beginning to develop and can distinguish sweet from bitter tastes. The baby will suck if its lips are stroked and it can swallow, and even get the hiccups. The retinas have become sensitive to light, so if a bright light is shined on your abdomen, baby will probably move to shield its eyes.

Your uterus, about the size of a cantaloupe, can probably be felt just below your navel. You're most likely feeling the baby move by now. A mid-pregnancy ultrasound may be performed between now and 22 weeks to assess fetal growth and development and to verify the due date. If the baby is in the right position, the ultrasound may even be able to determine whether it's a boy or a girl. Your heart has to work 40 percent to 50 percent harder now to support your pregnancy.

Tip for the Week
Suggest that your partner go with you for the ultrasound. It's a chance to catch the first glimpse of your baby together, as well as provide a snapshot to show friends and family later. Sonograms still don't guarantee a healthy baby, but they can provide reassurance and spot some problems.


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