Friday, December 26, 2008

12.26.08 (Week 20, Day 7): Week 21

Dear Friends and Family,

We're officially at the halfway point. Wow.

Lately, Pioneer been developing their own inertia. Sometimes, I'm going left and Pioneer's still going straight. Or, I'm getting up, and they're still sitting down. I've been aware of it for a couple of days. But, yesterday was the first day it caused me pain. I was in the process of getting up from the couch after sitting there for awhile. And, Pioneer decided not to get up. And, there was a sharp pain everywhere that dulled into a dull pain everywhere that didn't fully go away until I slept it off. Guess we'll have to coordinate better going forward.

Your baby measures about 7.2 inches from crown to rump and weighs about 10.5 ounces. The fetus is steadily gaining fat to keep warm. Growth rate is slowing down but organ systems, like digestion, are continuing to mature. A waxy film, called the vernix caseosa, is being produced by your baby's oil glands and covers the skin to keep it supple in the amniotic fluid. Buds for permanent teeth are beginning to form.

Friends, relatives, even strangers can probably tell you're pregnant by now. Your uterus is starting to extend above your navel. You've probably gained between 10 and 14 pounds by now.

Tip for the Week
Start looking into childbirth classes if you haven't already.


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