Friday, December 19, 2008

12.19.08 (Week 19, Day 7): Week 20

Dear Friends and Family,

Next Saturday marks the half way point. Wow!

Still having the burps every so often and coping with a new and very frustrating symptom - unintentional 2pm naps. ARGH! Not what the career counselor ordered. I fell asleep twice this week. One time with my bosses' boss sitting next to me. If option 1 is sleeping on the job, literally, and option 2 is caffeine, well, Pioneer is just going to have to learn to live with caffeine.

We go in for our ultrasound today and I am so excited. I can't wait to see how much Pioneer's grown since last time. Tomorrow we have our next doctor's appointment. Fun times.

The fetus measures about 5.6 to 6.4 inches from crown to rump and weighs about 9 ounces. Your baby can hear sounds by now -- your voice, heart and your stomach growling, as well as sounds outside your body. It will cover its ears with its hands if a loud sound is made near you, and it may even become startled and "jump." The baby is moving often, too -- twisting, turning, wiggling, punching and kicking.

Congratulations! You're at about the midpoint of your pregnancy. Your uterus is just about even with your navel. Your waistline has pretty much disappeared, but only temporarily! The risk of bladder infections increases because the smooth muscles in the urinary tract relax. Your breathing will become deeper and you may perspire more than usual from a more active thyroid gland.

Tip for the Week
To alleviate backaches, maintain good posture. Sit with a footstool or use an ergonomic chair at the office, avoid standing for too long, sleep with a small pillow under your side at the waist, and lift things with your legs instead of your back.

What's Happening Inside You?
Hair is beginning to grow on your baby's head and lanugo, a soft fine hair, covers his or her shoulders, back, and temples. This hair protects your baby and is usually shed at the end of the baby's first week of life.

Your baby's skin is covered with a whitish coating called vernix caseosa. This "cheesy" substance, thought to protect baby's skin from long exposure to the amniotic fluid, is shed just before birth.

You may begin to feel your baby move, since he or she is developing muscles and exercising them. This first movement is called quickening.

By the end of the fifth month, your baby is about 10 inches long and weighs from 1/2 to 1 pound.


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