Monday, January 12, 2009

01.12.09: Quick Weekend

Dear Friends and Family,

We needed to get a lot done this weekend, but, unfortunately, we didn't.

We needed to get the house cleaned. And, I wanted to continue with the amazing progress on the basement. And, I brought home work. And, well, we got a lot done, but not nearly as much as I had envisioned. Okay, I admit it, I probably had unrealistic expectations.

Saturday morning, we slept in. Mr. mouse headed out for mail in the snow. He also needed to return some ipod cables we purchased over Christmas that didn't work with our ipod. And, he was going to pick up some larger sized underwear for me (wow, that feels sexy, writing that.) Well, tack on an hour for snow and an hour for each errand, and it was literally a four hour errand.

I used that time to do some work I had brought home and to let Pioneer catch up on their zzz's with an afternoon nap. Saturday night, I can't recall what I did, but Mr. mouse headed out for groceries and scoped out baby merchandise at Target.

We woke early on Sunday. And, I hit my stride with my work and cleared through a ton of stuff on my to do list - which is good, because this week would have been overwhelming otherwise. And, Mr. mouse took the morning to clean house and the early afternoon to set up for our annual tree photos. Then, we dismantled the tree and dropped it off for mulching and I put away ornaments while Mr. mouse cleared up all of the stray needles in the house.

We had leftovers for dinner and I spent the evening trying to convince Pioneer that kicking me in the kidneys is not a good idea. Pioneer seems to be in a position where most of the kicks are down and to the back, with a couple to the right to keep us guessing. Why?

I guess next weekend becomes the serious cleaning weekend to prepare for our party.


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