Thursday, January 08, 2009

Discreet Cubicle Changes

Dear Friends and Family,

Work is going through a round of right-sizing and so begins my prep routine. It's funny, we've been through it so many times, Mr. mouse doesn't bat an eye when I begin my ritual coping mechanisms.

I bring home my laptop and backup my personal files. And, I start discreetly clearing my desk of personal miscellanea and anything I would be loathe to lose. Tuesday night, I did the laptop. And, last night, I brought home a funny certificate of accomplishment that I love because it has a spelling error on it, a bag of almonds, two pairs of shoes, my lotion, and a hammer my former department gave me when I left.

Today, I return to work with an emptier bag... and continue the discreet migration of stuff that for some reason I compulsively do. I guess that's the thing about habits and coping mechanisms, they bring a measure of comfort and security even if they don't always make sense.

Now, to discreetly "lose the badge" and get a replacement badge so I have my usual keepsakes - old business cards and my old badge.


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