Thursday, January 22, 2009

01.22.09 (Week 24, Day 6): Busy Day/Quiet Day

Dear Friends and Family,

I was running like a chicken with their head cut off yesterday.

On the other hand, Pioneer had a super quiet day with nary a peep out of them. I was getting worried since lack of movement could be a bad sign, but I felt a couple of nudges and wriggles - enough to postpone any full fledged panic. They revived a little after dinner. And, seem to be back to normal this morning.

Hopefully, nothing to worry about.


1 comment:

Trixie said...

From my experience (limited person, extensive friend), this is totally normal during this phase. Eating definitely does kick things into gear. I also understand that this is the time the motion comes most inconveniently when you're trying to settle down for a good night's sleep. So for now, take it as a blessing! :) xoxoxo CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU!!