Thursday, February 11, 2010

9 Month Old

Dear Friends and Family,

It's a sure sign the days and months are flowing together when you don't realize it's your daughter's "birthday" today. I have a feeling I'm going to get the call from school today. She's been fussy. And, last night she was warm - not feverish, but warm. Perhaps it's more teeth coming in.

I wish babyhood could last another year, but, sadly, P's racing to toddlerhood. She's not baby shaped anymore. She's toddler shaped with that long, stretched out body and sturdy limbs and flat hands and purposeful legs and feet. I remember thinking when P was born that she didn't look finished - like she had spent a lot of time getting her head right and as you moved on down the body she looked less and less complete - like her bottom half was a rush job, complete enough to be born, but nothing to brag about - a low pass, so to speak. Now, she looks complete and finished and her bottom half doesn't look as half baked like it was an after thought. Also, needless to say, the cutest, if not the tiniest, baby butt cheeks. Butt cheeks only a mother could love.

So, sometime over the next three months, we'll begin the transitions to sippy cup/regular cup, table food and weaning off of the pacifier.

Wish us luck.


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