Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Google vs. User Generated Content

Dear Friends and Family,

My folks are headed to Korea for a couple of weeks and needed a recommendation on a place to stay. Since we had gone with our neighbors, we knew of a hotel, we just needed the details on name and number. The race was on.

Mr. mouse started with Google and then email archives. I started with flickr (our set and our neighbors' set) and then Blogger and I was getting ready to IM our neighbor on FB when Mr. mouse found it. Turns out it was in our neighbors' photo set, I just missed it in the thumbnails view.

But, my faith in user generated content is renewed. It'll trump Google anytime specific, personal information is needed. My faith in myself, well, it just confirms I'm better at high level strategy and Mr. mouse is better at detailed, focused execution.


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