Friday, February 05, 2010

Mouse Pad Updates

Dear Friends and Family,

Mr. mouse and I were talking about what we want/need to do on the house this year. And, since we'll have incremental free cash flow in a couple of months from paying off some debt, we figured now was as good a time as any to start planning.

On the docket:
  1. new door to the deck - stop the leaks
  2. seal the bay window - stop the leaks
  3. remove deck, reseal roof, new deck - stop the leaks
  4. new front door
  5. new garage door
I'm pretty sure we won't make it all the way down the list from both a money and a time perspective, but we'll start from the top and go from there.

It feels good to begin thinking about home improvements. There's nothing more relaxing than a house that's put together and maintained and organized. It makes me feel calm and alive at the same time.


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