Friday, February 12, 2010

Beginning Another Wind Down Session

Dear Friends and Family,

For those of you not actively breastfeeding (i.e. all of you), you must get inanely bored by my writing about my schedules. But, it's on my mind, so I write about it.

I want to make it to the one year mark. After P's first birthday, I plan on transitioning her to whole milk for the daytime and continuing to nurse for her morning and evening feedings. I'll transition those more slowly once both P and I are ready.

With three months left to go, I'm in a constant state of 'oh no I may run out' and simultaneously 'oh no the stockpile in the freezer is out of control'. Yes, that's my life. Add to that the 'how do I slowly decrease the pumping times so it's manageable' and it's enough to drive any manufacturing engineer slightly up the wall.

All that being said, I've decided to take the brave step of taking six minutes out of my 2pm pumping session. Yes, folks, that's what this is all about. Six minutes. Six minutes that I can always add back in at the end of the week if I am not happy with the results.

We'll see how the week goes. Twelve more weeks to go which is going to fly.


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