Friday, May 07, 2010

Crouching P, Sleeping Baby

Dear Friends and Family,

Ah, the frenzy to capture the minutiae of the first year before P turns one...

The sleep routine:

We let P play downstairs until she turns clumsy on us, starts rubbing her eyes, or literally lies down on the rug to go to sleep. Then, I pick her up and give her four kisses and a big hug. I hand her over to Mr. mouse who takes her upstairs. He changes her diaper and changes her into her pajamas. He reads her a book and then gives P her pacifier. He lays her in bed and if it's cold out covers her with a blanket. We say good night. We leave the room - dimmer light on, door closed.

Before we go to bed, we check in on her. Inevitably, she's moved to a new position on the mattress and she's crouched on her belly, elbows, arms, knees, legs all tucked in under her, butt in the air.

We watch her for a few minutes before leaving the door open and going to bed ourselves.


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