Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Even More Toddler Tricks

Dear Friends and Family,

P's been on a tear - doing new things faster than I can document.

Thursday, we took the afternoon off to take P out to the ball game. And, in exchange, she showed us pointing, and clapping, and wiping down a surface with a napkin.

Then, over the weekend, she spent some time with Mr. mouse, playing three card monte. This is a classic street game. We have three bowls turned upside down. Under one bowl is a ball. We show her the ball, shuffle the bowls, and then let her guess where the ball is. Surprisingly, P is very good at this.

Also, over the weekend, P showed us that she can use a spoon by herself. It's a little messy, but it's definitely a skill she's willing to practice because she likes most foods that require a spoon (yogurt, applesauce, jar food, pudding).

And, because you can't be a toddler without asserting some independence - P's learned drop and see if your parents pick it up for you. And, throwing food on the floor if she doesn't want it - one piece at a time. And, while it's adorable, the no head shake is coming a little more frequently than we'd prefer.

Last night, when P was tired, we had banging and throwing of toys which is apparently the new rubbing eyes and yawning. And, I saved the best for last. Over the weekend, when she got a little excited, P bit me. Several times. Twice on the shoulder, twice on the arm, and once on the cheek. She hasn't bitten anyone else. And, we didn't have any repeat incidents last night. So, let's hope it's something that was a one time incident.

All caught up - which in P's world is two arms held up and waving for all done now.


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