Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What Happened...

Dear Friends and Family,

Late April we had to take P to the hospital. I don't think I have ever been more scared in my entire life.

We were at the airport when I noticed that P was developing a rash. She had a fever and was irritable and fussy. We called the doctor's office and they recommended going to the hospital vs. continuing home.

We rented a car to drive to the hospital, and on the drive P's breathing got really shallow and she became really lethargic, not responding to our calling for her or our not so gentle nudges. I ended up running into the emergency room with her in my arms.

The triage nurse took all of the typical vitals and admitted P - her rash had gotten worse, her fever had gotten worse, and her oxygen levels were low. We waited a couple of minutes in the waiting room and then headed into our room for the day.

The doctor ordered more tests. And, P was strapped to a monitor to track her pulse and her oxygen. They kept us for the test results, the fever, and because her pulse was running high. P was pretty out of it for most of the evening, but she was a trooper - not putting up much of a fight, except when they had to set her up for her IV. The IV made her all puffy, and I remembered, quite nostalgically, that she looked like a newborn again.

In the end, it all worked out okay. They released us from the hospital late that night. We drove to a hotel, slept for a couple of hours, and got home the next day. The rash went away in a couple of days. And, our Wolverine was as good as new.

And, that, my friends, was our first trip to emergency room with P.


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