Tuesday, August 16, 2011

08.16.11: Weekly Weigh In

Dear Friends and Family,

weigh in: 140.6

Well, at least the number is going in the right direction - down (in case you were wondering). Actually, this is tied to my happiness map. I have a lot less interest in eating out - it's a good way to save money and to help with the weight loss.

There's still a place for eating out in our routine. It's just not as often and when we do eat out, it's for something more worthwhile. Realistically, we'll eat out at least once each week on a weeknight - when the traffic is bad or we're picking up mail or something comes up. Then, I think twice on the weekend is a reasonable goal - once on Saturday, once on Sunday. That might seem like a lot, but it's down from our current trends.

We typically ate out 1-2 times during the weeknights and maybe 3-4 times on the weekends. Toss in 5 lunches at work and it adds up. I've been taking Lean Cuisines in for lunch so lunches at work are down to a more manageable 1-2 per week as well.

before: 11X per week
after: 5X per week, still a lot, but a lot better

Eating out is mindless. You order, play with P, and someone brings you your food. It's an easy routine to fall into. Eating in takes work. But, we've come to realize P rarely eats what we eat for dinner, so the bar gets set lower. She can have rice and beans and we can have leftovers. It can be equally mindless if you want it to be.


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