Friday, August 26, 2011

Diagnosis: Mild Concussion, Prognosis: Continued Improvement

Dear Friends and Family,

I went to the doctor yesterday to have my head looked at since it was still bothering me from Monday. Given my condition on Wednesday, he was tempted to send me in for testing. But, given my improvement on Thursday, he was also inclined to send me home and have me watch for additional changes.

Well, I continue to feel better. Headache is mostly gone. Tenderness is mostly gone. Things still not feeling 100% up there, but I feel functional which is better than I've felt all week. So, I'm hoping I'm on the mend.

And, because I was there, I made an appointment for a follow-up general appointment. I'll be going in next Friday to get a check-up. Other than (or is it then? see, I'm still not 100%) my head, I feel like I'm in okay health. I know I need to lose some weight, but nothing's bothering me. Here's to hoping it's just a check-up.


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