Monday, August 22, 2011

08.22.11: Quiet Weekend at Home

Dear Friends and Family,

Actually, it was a quiet weekend at home with our old friends from the Winter Cabin. We went to visit for a baseball game and because FB seems to be my scheduling nemesis, we had a quiet weekend with our old neighbors which isn't a bad thing.

The game wasn't even close. But, it was nice to spend the evening out watching a game, watching the sunset and enjoying the times. And, while it took longer than you would have thought humanly possible, Mr. mouse crossed another item (vaguely) off of our "yeah, right" list. We have a third cell phone. Three people still call us on it. I have already contacted one of the three people. It's a personal mission to contact the other two in the next year. Because, yes, my clutter hoarder husband also hoards phone numbers in the off chance that someone somewhere will try to reach him and be stymied by a disconnected phone number. Somehow, these long lost people will not think to check google and find him on facebook or linkedin. Yes, this is the world I live in.

Well, I had harbored a secret hope that we would FINALLY lose this number. AT&T had discontinued the phone and the rate plan. And, if we did nothing by 8/31 we would be minus an extra number and plus $60 a month that we pay for this lunacy. $720 a year for the off chance someone needs to find us. Yes, this is the world I live in. Instead of letting the madness end, Mr. mouse spent an hour and half on Sunday at the AT&T store converting his sad appendage into a prepaid plan with a new phone. I hate myself and am torn as to whether or not I should cross this off of the list or leave it on there and tackle it next year. As in, what do you want for your birthday? I want you to cancel that effing third cell phone number.

Seems a little melodramatic. I don't know. For now, it's still on my list... We'll see if I continue copying it over each time or if at some point I cave and let it go. If only Mr. mouse wasn't sure a hoarder.

On a completely non-related thread, I had a moment of inspiration while on the plane. Dinner needs to be addressed. I pick up P by 6PM. We hit the road and get home somewhere in the neighborhood of 7 to 7:30PM. Before you know it, it is 8PM and I am starving (since I eat lunch at 11AM). Dinner is on the table somewhere around 8:30 on a good night. And, then, by 9, we're trying to get P to sleep. Yes, I know the real problem is the fact that it takes an ungodly amount of time to get home - and we have three options there - stop working, move work closer to home, or move home closer to work, but I'm ready to cross any of those bridges quite yet. So, back to dinner.

In a perfect world, Mr. mouse would also leave work at 6 and get home and cook and we'd have a hot meal when P and I get home. Folks, we don't live in a perfect world. So, here's my draft at something that may work.

This would involve much prep in advance, but it would free up weeknights for spending time with P while keeping food on the table.

4 meals prepped in advance, 1 night out (in no particular order):

Sandwich and Soup: one sandwich on good quality bread with two extra ingredients thrown in so that it's not just meat on bread and a bowl of soup

Salad and Soup: one salad with two extra ingredients thrown on top so it's not a bed of mixed greens with meat and a bowl of soup

Fried Rice: exactly what it sounds like

Rice with Meat and Vegetables: rice with stir-fry

Dinner Out: because realistically, we need a night out each week

What I would need to prep in advance:
  1. plan the menu
  2. shop for ingredients: stop by the bakery for good quality bread, mixed greens, whatever is on the plan for the week
  3. prepare the stuff: make ahead meat, two sandwich adds, two salad adds, soup
  4. pre-portion it out: pre-portioned meat for the stir-fry, pre-cut vegetables for the stir-fry, 6 oz sandwich meat, 6 oz salad meat, 2 oz fried rice meat, rice for fried rice, two sandwich adds, two salad adds, two fried rice adds, four servings soup in two containers

What's left to do on the weeknight:

Soup and sandwich night: heat the soup, toast the bread, assemble the sandwich

Soup and salad night: heat the soup, wash and dress the greens, assemble the salad

Fried rice night: heat the pan, toss it all in with an egg, stir and serve

Rice with meat and vegetables night: heat the pan, toss it all minus the rice, stir and serve with rice

Huh, I need to continue to revisit this. I'm exhausted just thinking about this.


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