Friday, August 12, 2011

Happiness Map II

Dear Friends and Family,

(Note: click on map to see a legible version)

It's draft 1.0 so there are probably many things missing. Both squares and ovals and arrows. But, here's my happiness map. How to read it? Square are "stocks" things that have levels. Ovals are "flows" things that increase or decrease stocks. Red arrows show decreasing stocks, blue arrows shop increasing stocks. Got it?

Next disclaimer. Not in any particular order. This is just a way to get it to fit on a single diagram with no crisscrossing lines.

Now, please don't think I'm vain for the "when things look good" stock. I don't need things to look great. But, honestly, there's something to when my house is in order and I am at my goal weight that just makes me happy.

It's funny. Even a day in, I started making decisions based on my map. Will this activity make me happier? Yes? Okay, then I should do it. No? Then, I shouldn't. It might be revealing to draw your own.


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