Thursday, August 25, 2011

Toddler Discipline

Dear Friends and Family,

I know sometimes Mr. mouse and I take helicoptering parenting to new levels. This is one of the reasons why we're probably only going to have one child. I can't see us upping the ante and doing this twice.

I try not to be too proud of P, knowing that there will be times, when I least expect it, that she'll let me down. I don't complain too loudly if she gets bitten in school, knowing that at some point she, too, may bite a classmate.

But, Monday, I got clocked on the head by one of her classmates. Bad enough that I'm going to see a doctor today. Headaches, sleepiness, nausea, dizziness - seems like a doctor's visit was in order.

I told my colleagues at work that P would at most do something like twice. Twice? Well, the first time we would say something like we don't throw things at people. Then, we'd monitor. If P were to hypothetically throw a second object at a person, it would be a non-stop 24/7 barrage of why we don't throw things at people. As in...

"I see my flag. American flag. My country flag." "In America, we raise our children to be polite. It's not polite to throw our toys." "Last light." "That's right, we're almost home. When we get home, we'll play with our toys. We'll play nicely. It's not nice to throw our toys." "P like brown ice cream." "Ice cream is for good little girls. Good little girls don't throw their toys."

And on and on until we thought the message had sunk in. She's a smart one, but more importantly we're determined ones.

I'm not sure if some kids are feistier than others. I'm not sure if it's a gender thing. I'm not sure if it's a parenting thing or if P gets special treatment in school. I don't know. I just know we wouldn't have much tolerance for it in the mouse house.

We did have a throwing incident at home once when she was much younger. She was learning to throw a ball and we were giving her smiles and words of encouragement and having a fun evening. Well, she picked up a ball-shaped toy and threw that next and we had to explain that not all round toys were balls. It hasn't happened again since so we didn't have to test our discipline theory.

Here's to hoping that we won't have to.


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