Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Dear Friends and Family,

After sleeping on it, and given a chance to change his mind, Mr. mouse says he is committed to making our marriage work.

I am ecstatic.

I think he is more reflective. I know there's stuff he's struggling with. And, I'm sure there is stuff I will struggle with. But, for now, I'm glad we had the talk. I'm glad we came to an agreement. I'm glad I get to look forward to a future filled with memories together as a family.

I'm glad.

I'm also trying to figure out... How much do I try to help? How much do I just give him the space to do what he needs to do on his own?

I think I'd like to use a part of our Christmas vacation to drop P off at school and use a day by ourselves. I feel bad about sending P to school when we're both off. But, in the long run, I don't think it'll do her too much harm.


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