Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Plan B

Dear Friends and Family,

I realized a very simple Plan B if my idea doesn't work. It's not a very sophisticated plan at all which makes me think it's viable as a backup plan. If my idea doesn't work, I will wait until P enters kindergarten and... wait for it... I will find a new job.

Yes. It's that simple. P will enter kindergarten in the fall of 2014 which means if I don't want to disrupt her current program, I don't have to.

Now, there's always the possibility that I can lose my job or my job can go away. Plan C, so to speak. In that scenario, P has to change schools anyway. In that scenario, I'd probably either focus on my idea or switch gears and find a new job.

Somehow, it made me feel better to realize I have options. I don't have to work in my current job until I retire. I can make a move and try something new. That might not be a bad thing.


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