Thursday, December 01, 2011

The Lost Year

Dear Friends and Family,

Well, it's not as bad as the lost decade, but, it's certainly not a good feeling.

We're on track, barring a nasty December, to break even on our retirement portfolio this year. Really, the plan is to make money, not break even, but given the environment we're in, I guess breaking even is better than losing money.

I had high hopes for November, given October's performance, but November didn't continue the trend.

Still, we are fortunate. Mr. mouse has a job that he enjoys and I have a job that if I don't enjoy at least keeps me satisfied for the moment. And, if we can turn the ship around even modestly, we should be in decent shape come somewhere between April 2019 and February 2023 which is MUCH later than December 2016 which was our original goal. But, we've done what we can. Now, we just need time.

I just keep telling myself that at some point we'll start getting out-sized gains instead of out-sized losses, but it's tough to believe that when the out-sized losses keep coming.

One thing all of this makes me realize, well a couple of things really. One, most people probably haven't even done the math. There's too much happiness which makes me assume there's a lot of bliss out there. There's too many nice cars and expensive shoes and bags to make sense otherwise. Two, most people are going to be pressed to retire anytime in their lifetime. If we, with our ability and disciple to maintain a diligent savings rate and good fortune are barely able to see retirement in future, how does the average person manage it? I can't see how the math works out.

So, even if the past year was a lost year, I'm optimistic that I'm doing what is within my control to secure our future.


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