Monday, April 16, 2012

04.16.12: Out of Habit

Dear Friends and Family,

Just when you think you have a habit, the world spins a little bit on you and you need to adjust.

We spent a good piece of Sunday clothes shopping. And, there's nothing more tiring than family clothes shopping. Yes, three of us in a store. P wanting to play. Me wanting out of there are quickly as humanly possible. Mr. mouse browsing. And, yes, this was shopping for me so I can't really complain.

Saturday, we went to the Children's Museum and P had a ball. Definitely worth the $25 we sprang for parking.

And, now, it's Monday. My nails are groomed, although now that they are unpolished, I know the next two weeks will be the true test of progress. My teeth are a little sore from the retainer, but my jaw feels better because I didn't clench my teeth last night. And, I'm off to another week.


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