Thursday, April 05, 2012

Transition: Days 2 & 3

Dear Friends and Family,

Well. Day 2 went okay. P had a moment on the walk when her shoe fell off and she started crying. I know what happened. On the one hand, everyone was walking and she knew she should continue walking. On the other hand, she knew she shouldn't keep walking without her shoe. Hence, melt down.

Day 3 went less well. P was sad. I think she misses her friends. I think things go faster in the new room. I think I think she sees her teachers on the playground and misses them. I think P sometimes takes a little while to get used to new things.

I told her it is okay to be sad. I told her that sometimes it can take time to get used to new things. I told her that as her friends get older they will join her in the new room. I told her that as long as she is willing to try, we are all okay with the fact that this may take some time to get used to.


PS: Yesterday, P said she was all done with big window (where she waves to me in the morning at school). Instead, she waved from the inside window.

PPS: At dinner, P told me she was going to have 20 children.

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