Friday, September 28, 2012

Looking Ahead on the To Do List

Dear Friends and Family,

In the quest to get to a blank to do list, we're making progress. Now a blank to do list goal is kind of like a zero defect goal. I don't think, realistically, you ever really get there.

But, here's the status of it. It's not that bad.

"The Nows" and "The September Projects"
  1. P's clothing. There's fall clothes. There's winter gear (coat, hat, mittens, boots). And, there's shoes. We were able to cross of Halloween costume because P wants to be an astronaut again so we'll recycle last year's costume.
  2. Toy organization plan. There's toys everywhere. We need to put some away and find a new shelf that's more geared towards P's current toys.
  3. Teeth whitening. I started on Monday. Looks like it'll take about two weeks.
  4. G5. It's packed away. We just need to find a home for it. It's home might be Goodwill.
  5. Baby journal. It's painstaking going back and filling out the details. I think I've got a bunch of pages left for the first year. But, I've filled in one year old, two year old, three year old, and the first month. This one's gonna be tough, but worth it.
Then, I need to think about what I'm going to tackle in October. Snow tires and wedding video are high on my current list. There's 20 items on "The Laters" list that can get promoted each month to the "Active Projects" list. Our current run rate is 2 a month. So, by sometime next year, that list may be empty. I know that seems like a long time away. But, some of these projects have been on our list since 2007 which means these are longer term to dos.

And, hopefully, by sometime next year, we'll have the school thing figured out. That'll be another column off of our list.

Nothing like planning for the next year when you've still got a quarter of this year left.


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