Friday, August 23, 2013

1, I Think

Dear Friends and Family,

I've never had a busier second to last day. Fire drills in the morning. Snafus with the wireless not working. Lunch meetings. Conference calls with India in the early afternoon. Lunch at my desk during a meeting. More meetings. Squeezed in meetings. People waiting at my desk.

I thought 4 o'clock would never get here. But, it did, as it always does.

And, after packing up my bag, I headed out to drop off the car and go to happy hour. I had a fabulous time. Several moms showed up. More people than I expected from work showed up. It was good.

In a way, I hope the part-time offer falls through because today it feels right to be thinking about leaving. I still have a batch of things I need to do in the office, but it feels like thinking about leaving is the right thing to do.

I have a 9 o'clock with my boss. We'll see where this all lands.


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