Friday, August 16, 2013


Dear Friends and Family,

Yesterday, my boss asked if I would be willing to come back part time after next Friday. And, to be honest, I'm not sure.

In a way, it's the perfect blend of work and non-work. I can do four hours a day and be home before P finishes school. I know moms who would kill for that arrangement - work twenty hours a week at a nice hourly rate, be done with work by the time their kids are done with school, focus on home for the afternoon.

And, that's why I'm not disregarding it out of hand.

But, at the same time, I know if I did that, I'd be postponing work on my idea. And, I really do want to work on my idea. I realize that someone else's ideal isn't my ideal. I just want to make sure I don't regret it if I do decide to pass on the part-time opportunity.

Either way, it's Friday and I don't owe anyone a decision until Monday. Happy Friday.


PS: P proclaimed yesterday that if she does decide to become a mommy, she wants Mr. mouse to be the daddy. I told her he would be too old by then and then we moved on to another topic. Mr. mouse assures me this is normal - that the other likely candidates would be Prince Eric and Jim Darling. I guess it is normal.

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