Thursday, August 15, 2013


Dear Friends and Family,

I had a great discussion with my former boss yesterday. He was very supportive of my decision. It felt really good to close the loop with him and get his advice on my idea. Then, my boss approached me about staying longer. I told him I needed to sleep on it.

We also had a play date yesterday. We met more parents. I'm feeling more comfortable now with the school decision we came to. A lot of the parents seem like perfectly nice people. I'll miss the parents from P's current school, but I'm not feeling as anxious anymore.

So, it's back to work today for another day.

On the home front, Mr. mouse and I have been at odds with each other the last few days. We had it out Sunday night because he was being an @$$ and criticizing everything for no real reason. And, we just had it out this morning. I'm not sure what the issue is. I feel like he's not being a supportive husband. No, it's not that. He is being a supportive husband. He's just being bossy now. This morning I felt the need to remind him that I not going to not say something just because I think it'll make him angry. If it needs to be said, it needs to be said, and if he's going to get angry about it, we'll all deal with the consequences, but I'm not going to not say it just because I think it'll make him angry.



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