Monday, December 02, 2013

12.02.13: Home Again

Dear Friends and Family,

We went on vacation for five days to visit my sister and my childhood friend. And, while it was great spending time with them, it's good to be home.

Originally planned as a combination beach vacation, family vacation, Thanksgiving with my sister trip, the trip turned into mostly Thanksgiving with my sister. We went to the beach briefly on Wednesday and Thursday. Friday, we went to a park to get some gross motor in. Saturday it rained. And, Sunday it rained. So much for beach. I feel like I've been denied beach for multiple trips now for multiple reasons. I think I may have to make it a point to spend more time in the water next summer so I don't feel so denied.

The family vacation piece was a little tough because my sister doesn't like venturing outside of the house. I mean she really doesn't like it. The real trials and tribulations and the perceived trials and tribulations would be comical, except I feel sorry for my nephew. There could be car accidents, people who can mug you, people who can break into your car, the sun, the possibility of a fall, rain, snakes, mulch to be eaten, sand to be eaten, slides to avoided, swings to be avoided, bugs, lack of food locations, lack of nap locations, I mean the list is endless. So, outside of a trip to the park one day and a visit to see my childhood friend, we were somewhat house bound.

So, we had lots of time with my sister and my brother-in-law and my nephew. P has a lot of fun playing Lego with her uncle. They built all sorts of things together. And, my sister had fun talking with P about all the things P likes to talk about. Mr. mouse and I had fun trying to engage my nephew. We tried to get some colors and numbers into his head. I'm not sure how much of it stuck.

Still, there's much to be thankful for. As always, there's Mr. mouse and P, I can't imagine life without them. I'm thankful for the health and happiness of my family and friends. We're fortunate to have food on the table and a roof over our head. With my work change, I'm thankful for having time to get somewhat involved in P's school. Of course, there is also having time to get the house somewhat back in order. Thirdly, there's having time to work on my idea. We're making progress on our retirement funding. There's time playing with P. And, there's being happy with what you have even if life sometimes seems a little unfair when viewed through the eyes of a four and a half year old.

P was trying to tell us that life was unfair because someone else had more of something than she did. We told her it was important to be happy with what you have and to not always compare. I think the lesson sunk in when she learned that someone else who is older than her only gets $1 a week for allowance and she gets $4. We suggested dropping hers to $1 and she told us it's important to be happy with what you have and to not always compare. I guess she is listening and some of it is sinking in.

Happy Thanksgiving.


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