Thursday, December 05, 2013


Dear Friends and Family,

P got grounded yesterday. For a week. For misbehaving. Yes, we have a big kid now.

I went to drop P off at school yesterday morning. And, she was tired. And, she wanted to play with her friends. And, it's not cool having your mom hanging out with you when no one else's mom is there. I get it.

That still doesn't make it okay to push me away and say in that mean tone of voice, "Go away, Mommy." Repeatedly.

So, I extricated myself from the situation and thought long and hard about how to deal with it all. I confronted P about it in the afternoon when I picked her up. I told her I was okay if she wanted to play with her friends in the morning. I was also okay leaving her. But, that I was not okay with her approach. She apologized. And, for the next week, any breach in manners will lead to an automatic time-out. There's no second chances for the week.

She was remarkably good last night. One down. Seven to go.


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