Thursday, December 12, 2013

December Euphoria

Dear Friends and Family,

Christmas cards ordered. Now, we can move on to Christmas presents. Lots of people to buy for. I think I've got a decent list. I guess now I need to put together a plan of who gets what. Then, we can begin shopping. We're behind this year. But, in other ways we're ahead.

This year, unlike last year, we can actually relax in our living room. In fact, yesterday, Mr. mouse and I both worked from home, on the couch, with our feet propped up, with the Christmas tree in front of us. This year, unlike last year, we are not in a manic mode of completing school applications. We get to enjoy P's time without feeling like we need to be working on draft 8.1 of essay 4 of school 6. Definitely ahead there. And, this year, unlike last year, I've made progress on my idea. I've taken the plunge. I've hired my first employee. All good things.

Our "nows" are under control. And, we're slowly plugging away at the "laters" on the to do list. And, that, my friends, is progress.


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