Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Holiday Crunch

Dear Friends and Family,

It's Tuesday and I'm exhausted. With only three weeks between Thanksgiving and winter break, it's dawned on me that we need to get in full-on holiday mode. Time to put up the tree, time to purchase the presents, time to print out the cards, time to really sit back and reflect on what the holidays are about.

A lot of people celebrate a lot of holidays during December. Having gone to church semi-regularly for a year now, I wonder what I am celebrating. At the core of it, I think I am celebrating the birth of a child. I think about the love and hope I felt when P was born. I think about how it draws the family together, even dysfunctional families like my own. And, I realize that sometimes you need that - that momentary lull to focus on love and hope and peace. It's a good note to end the year on, to kick off the new year on.

It'll be good to spend some time with Mr. mouse's family. And, on my side, my cousin invited us over. It'll be so good to see her. We'll also spend some time with my parents and brother. Even if they can drive me crazy at times, it's important for me for P to know them and to know they love her in their own crazy way. I guess I'll deal with whatever randomness comes of seeing them.

And, on that note, I think I'll use what time I have left to deal with a quick to do. After all, even if it's all about the squishy, warm, and fuzzy stuff, the practical stuff still needs to get done.


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