Monday, January 13, 2014

01.13.14: Over-Scheduled

Dear Friends and Family,

We had a lot going on this weekend.

Saturday, P started her new class. Then, we got mail, ate lunch, and went to a birthday party. P napped on the car ride home and we had friends over for dinner.

Sunday, I went to church with a friend, then we had a play date while Mr. mouse had lunch with a friend. P napped when she got home. And, we had a second play date that evening.

We were definitely over-scheduled.

I'd say this week looks better, but it doesn't. Tomorrow night I have a meeting with a prospective client. Wednesday night I'm meeting with a group about P's yearbook. And, Friday, P's off from school and we have a play date. Sooner or later I will learn not to do this to myself.

Oh, and I have a doctor's appointment on Wednesday. Sigh.

And, I still need to do the prelim layout for the yearbook. I don't even want to think about it. Perhaps this is one of those weeks that I take one day at a time.



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