Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Hump Day

Dear Friends and Family,

I'll be honest. I'm a little overwhelmed.

Today, I have time to work on my new idea. I have a doctor's appointment. I have the afternoon with P which is the highlight of my day. I have a meeting with some parents to work on P's yearbook. Then, I get a little time with Mr. mouse and P and then I need to work on old work for about two hours.

I'll be honest. I'm thinking about leaving old work again. It's just plain stupid. I went in yesterday and my work exploded. All of a sudden everyone cares. This would be awesome if I still worked there and cared. But, given that I'm a part-time employee looking to start my own business, it's not awesome. Now, it just feels like a lot of work when I've got a lot more interested stuff to focus on.

Ask me why I'm there? I'll be honest. It's part mercenary, it's part prostitution, both of which are against my religion. In other words, it's for the money. I'm selling my time for money. There's little emotional fulfillment and what emotional fulfillment there is is derived from friendships, not from work.

It'll all come to a crux in the summer because I'll want to spend more time with P. Something will have to budge. But, that's the summer. I just need to get through today.


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