Monday, February 03, 2014

02.03.14: Hello February

Dear Friends and Family,

It's February. Wow. One month into the new year.

We had a great weekend.

Saturday was a little hectic. We woke to find out school was cancelled. P and Mr. mouse went shopping for birthday presents while I got some work done at home. Then, we headed out for a birthday party with one of P's friends from her old school. We met up with a friend for dinner before heading home for the evening. We went to our favorite Korean restaurant which was packed to the gills for the new year.

Sunday was less hectic, but no less busy. We woke up to a glorious winter day. We went to a birthday party for one of P's friends from her new school. I really am glad I like the parents as much as I do. Then, we headed out for some sledding. The weather couldn't have been better and the snow was perfect for donuts. P went down more times than we could count. And, she begged to stay longer. But, when we got to the car we realized her hands and feet were like ice. It's probably a good thing we came in when we did. We met up with more friends for dinner. This time it was at their house. We had a Romanian feast while watching the Super Bowl.

And, now, it's Monday. P's room is still clean and my to do list is manageable. I'm happy.


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