Friday, February 14, 2014


Dear Friends and Family,

Progress. We're down to three piles. But, for progress, we also took a couple of steps back.

I need to find a home for the business cards that came in yesterday. And, P's table is a clutter of Valentine's cards from school yesterday.

Still, I optimistic we can finish the kitchen today. Then, we can move on from there to another point in the house.

But, I'll be honest, that's not what's on my mind today.

Last night, P fell asleep early and we decided to let her sleep the night. So, Mr. mouse and I had the night alone, just the two of us. And, it felt empty. Without P to fill the night, we ate a quiet dinner without a lot of conversation and then went to sleep. Well, Mr. mouse fell asleep. I think.

I came downstairs to the living room and watched the traffic go by. I wondered where we go from here. I felt so alone. Sometimes, even with all the friends and with all the outlets to communicate, you just need a moment to yourself. And, last night, watching the traffic go by, I had many of those moments.

I know relationships change. I just wonder, sometimes, where ours is headed. At one point in our relationship, I couldn't imagine life without Mr. mouse. But, last night, there was a moment where I couldn't imagine life with him. Perhaps I'll be at a point, sometime in the future, where I'm ready to talk about this. For now, I think it's just something for me to think about as I watch the traffic go by. Perhaps it's just a phase I'm going through because there's a lot of other things around me that have me blue.

I think the kitchen is me trying to exert control because sometimes I realize how much of my life is outside of my control. Silly me, as if fixing the kitchen will fix everything.


Because sometimes you just need to find your happy face and move on with the day.

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