Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Dear Friends and Family,

Yesterday, I had some time to dedicate to the kitchen. Instead of getting overwhelmed, I followed a cleaning method I read about. And, let's be clear, I wasn't really cleaning. I was organizing. And, let's be clear, I wasn't really organizing. I was trying to maintain the line that we had established on Friday in our perpetual kitchen war.

Anyway, back to the method. You start from one point and you just keep making your way one step at a time to the point next to you. You don't try to take in the big picture. You just look at the immediate next step and do. For me, since my kitchen is an el shape with an island, that involves starting at one end of the el, moving around the el, moving across the island, tackling P's small table, and tackling two chairs and an end table we have set up.

So, I put away all of the plastic drying randomly. I unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher. I cleaned the things that needed to be cleaned by hand. I sliced the bagels and put them in the refrigerator. I put away the pots. I spent the rest of the time on the island. It's down to seven discrete piles of paper from one amorphous giant pile.

And, yet, this morning, when I look, there's more random plastic drying on the counter, a food processor made it's way back onto the counter, there's random pots on the stove, and P's table has a random art project on it. Our chairs have a pile of towels on them. And, there's another random piece of paper on the end table.

I wish we could get to a point where the house maintained itself. But, sadly, I don't think I'll be there ever. I think it'll be a constant battle. There'll always be plastic to put away. There'll always be pots to put away. There'll always be dishes to cycle through. There'll always be paper to cycle through.

Still, I should focus on the positive. There's seven discrete piles on the counter. Tonight, I will tackle at least one and then there will be six.


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