Thursday, March 06, 2014


Dear Friends and Family,

It'll come as no surprise to you that I'm not the happiest person right now.

In the midst all of this, we're also adjusting to P dropping her nap. We can still get her to nap, but we decided it was a sub-optimal nap. It took her awhile to fall asleep and then we'd be fighting bedtime in the evening. So, for the past two days we've been skipping nap.

Odd as it may sound, it changes everything.

We now have a solid two hours to play together in the afternoon. We have time for lessons. We have time for story dictation. We have time for science experiments. We have time for all sorts of things. Then, dinner comes a lot earlier - as in 6:00 early. Dinner used to be an 8 o'clock event.

The big change comes after P goes to sleep. She's in bed by 7:30, not 10:00. So, I have the evening free. The last two nights I used it to do housework. And, while it's gratifying to have a clean house, I feel short changed. Instead of spending time with P, I'm spending my evening doing housework while Mr. mouse is passed out either in P's room or in our room.

How did this all of a sudden become my sole responsibility?

There's a piece of me that feels like Mr. mouse's life got a lot easier when I left work. My life? I'm not too sure.

I think, another option, at least for the moment, is to spend a quick half hour doing housework, from 7:30-8:00, say, and then to go out. Perhaps I'll go to a coffee house, or a bar, or a bookstore, or somewhere. But, I feel like I'm boxed in and there's a piece of me that wants to be free.

Well, we'll see where this heads.

The other part I'm not sure how to deal with is P's perception of time with me vs. Mr. mouse. Since she spends a lot of time with me in the afternoon, she wants to spend a lot of time with Mr. mouse when he gets home. Still, it feels like she spends time with me because she has to, and then when she has a choice, she prefers to spend it with Mr. mouse. I'm not sure I want to instill that mental model. And, I'm not sure how I feel with that perception.



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