Thursday, March 20, 2014

Wacky Wednesday

Dear Friends and Family,

My schedule is a little different this week because I'm taking Friday morning off to see Divergent. Yes, I've moved my schedule around so I can watch a movie at 10am while P is at school.

So, today, I've got a hot date with the three hole punch, organizing P's art work.

And, it's Thursday, so I can give an update on the art work. It's partly completed. Here's the overall art work strategy:
  1. pile #1, it's not art pile: I have a binder for P's educational work. This includes sheets she does at home and at school. It's a 8.5" x 11" binder. I arrange the sheets chronologically. This binder is up to date.
  2. pile #2, the really good stuff pile: I want to make an album with the really good stuff. As I go through each month's worth of artwork, I'm isolating ~4 pieces per month of stuff I really like. I'll buy an album with acid-free pages to save these pieces of art.
  3. pile #3, most of the stuff pile: After I filter out the really good stuff, I go through my next filter. About 20 pieces make it through this filter. These pieces go in an 11" x 17" binder I bought. They get three hole punched. They get stapled to sheets if they are not the right form factor to three hole punch. It's not perfect preservation, but it's better than having it lie in piles around the house.
  4. pile #4, the rest of the stuff: This pile ends up being the odds and ends that didn't make the cut. And, when I look at all of the pieces I've saved, I don't feel bad about this pile. Mr. mouse will take pictures of it before we throw it away so we'll still have a digital memory of it. We just won't keep the paper copy.
And, that my friends is how we're trying to restore sanity into this house. We'll have artwork, just not lying in piles all around the house.

Off to a more routine Thursday.


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