Monday, January 12, 2015

01.12.15: Home Again

Dear Friends and Family,

After a bummer week with no internet access, we're home and up and running and the weather is in the double digits. I am happy. I have also been sticking with my new year's resolution to do something each day to make our place more of an airbnb and me more of a happy soul on permanent staycation. No one change is monumental. Nor does it feel like I'm anywhere close to done. But, I am beginning to see signs of progress. And, that feels amazing.

I've been spending a lot of my time on the main room that we spend our time in. In most houses it would either be in the basement or in a separate room with closed doors. It's filled with P's toys and is mostly a playroom. It is also a dumping ground for all of the stuff she brings home from school... mostly artwork, but also sheets and cards and photos... I've been slowly going through things to figure out what we still play with and what we've moved on from. Today, I moved two bins of stuffies upstairs to P's room. That opened up space to put a bunch of stuff sitting on the floor (Lincoln Logs, Jenga, and blocks) into the shelf. It makes more sense to have the stuffies in P's room. Now, I just need to put some thought into their home in her room. But, still, it's one step closer.

I'm also happy because we got to spend the weekend with friends from the mouse winter cabin. It was cold, but it doesn't feel as cold because no one makes a fuss over the cold. P got to walk on a frozen lake. I got to sip wine by our neighbors' fireplace. I also got inspired by my neighbors. They've done some amazing things to their house. It's so well thought out and put together. But, they didn't do it all at once. It came in bits and pieces.

Well, enough about me and my general sense of bliss. I've got to go get some work done or tomorrow I'll feel like a wreck.


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