Monday, January 19, 2015

01.19.15: The Day After

Dear Friends and Family,

It's Monday and we're almost back to a normal schedule. P's off from school today and she wants to spend the day getting her world back in order. We moved a bunch of stuff around for the party. And, then we needed to rescue several toys when the kids got out of hand. And, I think the current disorder is getting to her. So, when I asked her what she wanted to do today, she said she wanted to spend the day with me at home getting her things organized. I can respect that and I'm more than happy to spend the day with her doing that.

Mr. mouse and I will have a lot to do over the next week getting the rest of the house back in one piece. But, I'm okay with that. We had a fabulous night. I was a little afraid at one point because the kids were getting a little crazy and I thought P would have a meltdown if anything got destroyed, but we made it through that part and were able to enjoy the rest of the evening.

Now, we just need to unwind and slowly put everything back together.


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