Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Single Step mouse

Dear Friends and Family,

Mr. mouse just left for work. P is at school. Welcome to 2015.

I've got the house to myself to get done what I need to get done today. And, it feels great. Lots of things to do. I guess step 1 is getting mentally organized.

mouse's day, today:
  1. laundry
  2. eat breakfast
  3. file state unemployment forms
  4. look into Frog and Toad
  5. clean up drop box
  6. figure out plans for the weekend
  7. eat lunch
  8. sew on button on P's shirt
  9. do something to make the house more like an airbnb
  10. yearbook email
  11. call my Dad
  12. pick up P
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. I'm off to do laundry.


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